
Saturday 8 February 2014

Where has the last year gone?

Today's post is a little catch up to share a few changes that have happened for me recently that i want to share with you.

The first one which I'm so so happy about is the fact i passed my driving test . Yaaay it was one of my new years resolution's in 2013 that i would learn to drive and get a car and I'm really proud of myself even though it took me all these years it feels like i have a new lease of life.

Ive also started Kettle bell classes and am on a bit of get strong and healthy kick. I have not drank any alcohol, tea, coffee or fizzy drinks since new years eve. I have to admit the alcohol will be re introduced soon but the rest i am hoping to avoid most of the time as i feel so much better for it.
I am sure i will be blogging about the fitness and my goals etc at some point as its playing a big part of my everyday life right now.

My boys are growing up fast. My youngest Rocco is 6 tomorrow and Ive been busy making cake pops for his party. I am finding a bit more time for myself now he is not so dependant on me and i must admit I'm enjoying that bit of time to be me and not just a mum.

Marshmallow Blends is growing in popularity especially here in my home town of Barnsley where i have a front space in a shop where i sell the products as well as on line of course. I am still loving my job and am excited to see what this year will bring.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend and thanks for the warm welcome back to the blogging community xx


  1. Great to have you back and congratulations on passing your test :) Happy Birthday to Rocco!

  2. So happy to see you blogging again Nicoletta - yours was one of the first I followed and I've missed it! Welcome back and it's great to hear how well things are going for you.

    Nic x

  3. Thanks Nic. Im going to catch up on your blog right now xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx