
Friday 7 February 2014

Hair we go again!

I have always had a love hate relationship with my hair. I LOVE long hair. I have always had my hair long but its so fine that unless i could find the time to stick big rollers in everyday then it just looks flat most of the time.
Thank goodness for extensions which have been a god send for nights out or when i want to feel the ooomph factor.

I have tried lots of different types but one of my favourites is the Halo. This picture was taken a few years back and my hair is a different colour now but these have to be the easiest of extensions to pop in and out and for hair that is fine like mine its amazing as the fine clear band means you don't have any tell tale signs of the awful grips which are a dead giveaway. If you would like to see the review its here.

Then of course there are the various hair pieces like this one below which is a 3 1/4 piece which adds loads of volume and i love the look but wouldnt feel comfortable myself wearing every day.

So my question now is whats next? I seriously love this look and I'm hoping by having some extensions put into my hair i can achieve something somewhat like it. I'm looking for a little bit more of a permanent look so thinking of going for the Pre bonded hair. I see Halo now do these here  and i also have a friend who is amazing at hair extensions so when i decide which ones to get i will be getting her to apply them with some before and after photographs.


What type of hair extensions if any do you recommend and if you have had them would you do so again?

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