
Thursday 20 October 2011

We did it! Update on the raffle

I'm sure a lot of you already know but for those of you who don't: WE DID IT!

 We Hit The Target to raise £1000 in aid of The Breast Cancer Campaign Charity. In fact the total is now £1102 which is flipping BRILLIANT.

If you have not had time to enter then you still have today and tomorrow to enter as the raffle will not close until 12pm Friday 21st October.
The prizes are all finalised and if you want to check out all the prizes then take a look here

I cant wait to draw the raffle and see who wins what.
You can enter the raffle by making a donation here. The money goes directly to the charity and you get entered into the raffle at the same time.

On behalf of the Breast Cancer Campaign Charity and myself THANKYOU xxx


  1. Amazing work, big congratulations to you xx

  2. Well Done My Lovely That's An Amazing Result xx

  3. Wow, that's amazing! Congrats!

  4. huge congrats, well done to you! Such a good cause xx

  5. You are an amazing woman and a credit to your beautiful mum, she would be so proud of you. Congratulations. Jude xxxxx @jadlgw

  6. Congratulations, what you've raised in just a couple of weeks is amazing. You should be so, soo proud :)

  7. Congratulations hunnie, you must be so chuffed, Im chuffed for you! How exciting doing the raffle! xx

  8. Wooooooo! Absolutely amazing huny! Congratulations, am really so happy for ya, your mum would be so proud :)

    Love Aysh xoxo

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hope you're giving yourself a huge pat on the back for everything you've done - massive congratulations to

  11. Well done! I knew you would do it!

  12. Amazing work Nic!! I cant believe how quickly you did it either! Congratulations!! xxxx

  13. Thanks so much everyone it was all of us that achieved this together :)
    I'm looking forward to drawing the raffle now xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx