
Saturday 22 October 2011

New Layered Body Bars!

Hello ladies, how's everyone doing?
I have been playing around with some of my ingredients and came up with a few new massage bars which i made this afternoon. I'm actually really pleased with how these came out as they smell Amazing if i do say so myself :)

Bakewell Tart Massage Bar!

Dark Chocolate & Vanilla Bean Massage Bar!

Now I'm dreaming up other duo combinations, I'm thinking fairy cakes and buttercream next ? ?
I've finally found something i love doing that will hopefully make me a few pennies as well :)
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend


  1. They look lovely! The bakewell tart one sounds amazing! The cupcakes and buttercream idea sounds cute :) xx

  2. I love these!!! So different!

    I am getting a bit bored of every blogger and their dog making bracelets, do this is def something different and much better :) xx

  3. I'd love to know how to make these. Where do you buy the ingredients and how do you know how much to ad? Hon are you going to be selling any of these cause I'd love to try the Bakewell Tart bar. Is there a book you recommend to start making soaps, messages bars, your own lipstick etc?

  4. Ohmygod these look so cute and sound AMAZING!! xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool
    Tweet me! @othersideofcool

  5. Gorgeous! Make sure you let us know when you get to selling- I love that Bakewell tart one!

  6. love the look of these, a lemon and lime one would be gorgeous and very refreshing x

  7. Thanks so much for all your replies ladies :)

    Karen: Thanks for your comment, i will be selling these soon and when i do i will let you know. I buy my ingredients from an online company who sell oils and butters etc and you can learn a lot by looking online but its more a case of trial and error when you first start making these types of things.

    Demonicsmurfette: Thanks i will do, just need to complete my safety assesment and then hopefully i will be up and running. In the meantime im having fun practising.

    Terri: Thanks for the suggestion i agree it would be lovely. I love lemon fragrances,im hoping to make some lemon sugar goodies and i like the thought of lemon sorbet too, yummy


  8. Yum-yum, these look and sound delicious! Well done lovie!

  9. when and where r u selling those bad boys?

  10. when are you selling these? they'd make excellent Christmas presents :D so beautiful xx

  11. Thanks girls, im really hoping to be selling before xmas,i will be having a little online shop if everything goes to plan xx

  12. These sound amazing!! It will be nice to get some products which are actually 100% home made and not full of chemicals! I see many stockings getting filled over Xmas!

  13. Yum. They look like deserts.

  14. *drools* I could eat the first one!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx