
Wednesday 16 March 2011

Random snippets !

Hi there my gorgeous girlies, todays post is a bit of a Random mix of updates and things i want to tell you about.

Firstly My He-Shi Tan that i stupidly erased the photograps from has been reapplied and snapped to show you how it looked. I cant do a Fake tan review without photos now can i?

This is 2 layers so bear that in mind.
 1 hr after application

 Fully Developed

I really am impressed with this tan. The only little niggle i have is the fact that it seemed to leave my skin a little bit drier than normal. But on the whole i really like it and its one of the better ones that ive tried. Full review here

This week i am testing out Airbase and loving the light texture and makeup free feel. The colour is a perfect match as well :) Full review coming soon.

Shade Medium

My occ lip tars arrived this morning with a little mixing palette. I cant wait to start using these.

Cha Cha & Trollop

Yesterday my Lipstick organiser arrived from China. I have been looking everywhere for one that holds 24 lippys in the UK and i just couldnt get one. I am thinking of buying these in bulk and selling as they are so hard to find here.

My lipsticks look so much better in this than stashed away in my drawer where i can never find them. Only trouble is i need another one really but im running out of room on my dressing table. Think its time for a clear out again.
Hope you are all having a fabulous week and as always thankyou for all your lovely comments. You girls are the best xx


  1. I really like the top or playsuit your wearing in the first picture! Where's it from if you don't mind my asking? lol The lipstick you're wearing is such a gorgeous shade as well, spesh with a tan!

    Also, I think that lipstick organiser is fantastic, let me know if you do buy them in bulk to sell because I could really do with one or two. I'm always knocking my lipticks over and it infuriates me!xx

  2. Love the lipstick storage! It's a brilliant idea :) I only have a few lipsticks...although I need to find better storage for my nail polishes as that is one collection that is building up pretty fast!

    The fake tan looks good - I haven't tried any fake tan...ever! I bought St Tropez stuff at Salon International two years ago but never used it and sold it on ebay instead!

    Great post :) You look lovely as always


  3. ohh i could do with one of those lipstick holders!

    really love that lipstick colour on you x

  4. You are so beautiful :-) The tan looks fab & i love the lippy!! I am desperate for some lipstick holders! :-) xxx

  5. Loving your lipstick container, it looks so cool and so organized :)

    Please check out my poll and let me know which brand you would like to see in my next giveaway :)

    Xoxo Christine

  6. Thankyou ladies, the lipstick is flare from the new illamasqua collection.

    I will of course let my blogging friends know first if i manage to get hold of some more of these lippy holders.

    Im also looking for some nail polish storage but im running out o space. Im thinking maybe a wall mounted stand or something xx

  7. I'm impressed with that tan actually!

    The lipstick organiser and Airbase both look very interesting indeed :-)

  8. Very nice, I'm looking and I'm liking! I also love the jumpsuit that you're wearing!:)

  9. Thanks girls, im actually wearing a top and its from New Look. I wasnt 100% sure on it to be honest so its made my day that a few of said you like it. Thanks mwah x

  10. That lip color looks great on you!

    Yay you found a lipstick holder. :D

  11. That little mixing palette is so cute! And I love your lipstick storage xx

  12. Your tan looks lovely!
    I need a lipstick holder in my life! Do you have the link for where you got it from?xx

  13. I liked he-shi, but like you, I found it quite drying and my hands always looked horrible :(
    Definitely buy those lipstick holders in bulk! I would totally buy them! :D x

  14. Thanks girls for all your replies :)

    Sami the company is a manufacturers and they dont sell individual ones. This was a one off sample so i cant really tell everyone or they will be inundated with requests.

    I will let anyone who has shown an interest know if i get them which hopefully i will as there seems to be a lot of interest.
    Thanks lovelies xx

  15. love your lip colour!

    want to try the OCC lip tars soo bad!!!

    Danniella @

  16. Echoing everybodyelse but the lipstick holder is such a good idea and the tan (and Flare!) looks great!

  17. Love your lipstick storage, so neat and organsied! x

  18. Like how the tan looks on you! The last fake tan I bought is the Xen tan in deep, I find it a bit too dark for the face and too light for the body...I guess I have to be patient. Nice legs btw!

  19. ur tan looks awesome! :D

    n the lipstick holder is suuuch a grt idea! no more falling all over the plc now hey!?

    re. VS
    yea - loving the smell of berries - i hav no access to VS stuff over here in aust too! :( bummmerrr!

  20. I use one of these also, but have you ever though of paletting them?

  21. lovin that lippie on you on the first picture... what were u wearing?? anyhoo, I'm so jealous of your OCC lip tars... I need to get me some as soon as I get over being broke... LOL oh yah & that lipstick holder too, I need one!

  22. Lipsticks look so organised - perfect for display! ;)


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx