
Saturday 29 January 2011

Lady Mucks my secret soap !

Morning lovely bloggers, i hope you are all having a great weekend. I'm a little jealous, OK really jealous of you lucky ladies that are going to IMATS today. I wish they held these things nearer me but anyway i want to share a secret.

I ♥ Soap. There i said it. Now for years i have shunned away from soaps believing that they are drying to the skin, that they will strip away my natural oils. Whenever anyone mentioned soap it would conjure up images of old ladies and lavender for some reason.
That was until i stumbled across Lady Mucks website

Lady Mucks sells a vast range of not only soaps but bath bombs, body scrubs, butter bath melts and the list goes on.

My latest purchase is the Almond Milk & Shea soap:

Free from SLS and packed with Shea butter makes this soap one of the most creamy nourishing shower products that i have tried. Add to that the fact that it smells totally Delicious think sweet almonds almost marzipan and you get the picture.
Priced at just £1.99 it's an absolute steal.
This soap leaves my skin so so soft and it is mild enough to use on even sensitive skins.

I could go on and on about a lot of these products. Another favourite is the Cherrylicious body scrub bar which seriously must be tried for a full on shower experience.

If you love handmade pampering treats then this is the website for you. Customer service is amazing and the products just speak for themselves.

Just wondering your thoughts on using soap? Have you come across lady Mucks before?


  1. found your blog! and... i'm the 600th follower.. yaaay! ;D

    take a look on my blog dear, i have a mini giveaway..

    Sarah Azhezha

  2. Thankyou for following :) i will go over to your blog now xx

  3. Liked using soap bars in the past but they were leaving my skin too dry so I stopped using them. Maybe I should go have a look on their website and see if they have something for sensitive skin.
    Congrats on the 600 followers!

  4. Thankyou hun. Seriously go and have a look. I'm sure the almond milk and shea soap is for sensitive skins. But there are lots of others too. xx

  5. I love using Pears on my skin during the summer as it works really well to clear the grease away but leaves me a bit of moisture which is hard to get from a soap. During the winter I use it as a body soap and it really helps my moisturiser settle in.

    I am a lover of face soaps in general as I haven't had bad luck with them so I'm going to pop over and see what Lady Mucks has to offer.

  6. I love love love soaps! I have a massive collection and I actually have this one from Lady Mucks...haven't tried it yet though!

    Everyone should check out her Redgrapefruit and Sugarcane products....they smell divine!!! xxx

  7. Oooh a fellow soap lover, these look great. Am off to checkout the website, thanks Nic as well for the rec in your comment. Jan x

  8. I'll definitely recommend this to my sister as she has to be so careful about what she uses. Great post hun (as always!) :) x

  9. I love soap, much prefer it to shower gel etc! I keep eyeing up the handmade soaps on etsy, but most are from the US and shipping prices are a killer :/ Will definitely check this site out! Thanks :)

  10. this soap sounds great hun,thanx for sharing about IMATS lol wish I coulda gone too&congrats on 600+ followers,ur blog is amazing

  11. oooo love the layout for one and I also dumped soaps for that exact reason but I used Australian Organics and loved it anything natural does me great :o) xxx

  12. I like soaps too! xD Are those nuts on the top? o.0

  13. Thanks for all your comments, yes its almonds on top x

  14. This looks interesting! Not badly priced either, I'm trying to use up my lush soaps at the moment but would love to try this!

  15. I have always loved this soap... it smells real nice too. I actually use it strictly on my face, and used it as an experiment. I have very sensitive skin.
    One night, i used my grandmothers soap on my face. I have a acne problem (or had one) and the next morning, my face was smooth and almost acne free! i freaked out...(in a happy way of coarse!) and the next night i used my liquid soap on my face (caress evenly gorgous) and the next morning my face broke out... again.
    Soooo... now i use it strictly on my face and acne is no longer a problem for me!

    Welcome to my blog at:


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx