
Friday 28 January 2011

Keeping on track!

Yaay it's Friday. I have now been doing the 30 day shred DVD and keeping to my diet for 10 days. ( pat's myself on the back )
I have done the 20 min level 1 everyday without fail and tomorrow i start level 2. Eeek.
I have to say i am feeling a lot better already and i can see an improvement in my strength, i am toning up a little bit and i have lost just under half a stone in weight. :)

However i still have 20 days to go and i know that things are going to get harder.
Here's some inspiration for keeping on track:

My reasons may be shallow to some but it's what keeps me on track

I want to feel comfy in a bikini.

I want to have more energy so I'm not physically tired all the time from eating junk food.

Me in Jamaica 4 and a half years ago. I did it then i can do it again.

What do you use for inspiration if you are on a fitness or diet regime? xx


  1. Great post!! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. loving the look of your blog!! and well done with the 30 day shred :D xx

  3. I don't think that you are shallow! I think that is the reason most people exercise or eat well! I know I need to jump back on the wagon, but I just can't seem to find the motivation. I suppose snowboarding is considered exercise, so I plan on getting some of that this weekend! lol.

    I think you look fab just the way you are! But good luck reaching your goals! You will be there before you know it!

  4. great post hun,u looked fantastic in Jamaica and I think u still do.U seem to be doing very well&sound very happy with results so far,keep it up

    I dont stick to any diet,Im such a sucker been trying to gain a stone past 2months..Want a firm bum so Imma try&workout at the gym lol

  5. I'm doing the shred from today and starting weightwatchers this week! You're an inspiration! Are you gonna do before and after pics? xxx

  6. awesome, well done for sticking to it. Do you feel more energetic? x

  7. Wow Jamaica! one of the places i'd love to visit. You looked fab! i'm sure you can do it again and flaunt that nice bod:-)

  8. Oooh nice layout. Must do something with mine, at the mo my titchy pic means my name reads as
    eauty dia
    Good luck with it all. Sadly my bikini days are long gone. Jan x

  9. I think looking and feeling good are reasons/motivations a lot of people use when starting on a diet. Well done on the shred , you're almost halfway through and once you know it's working it gets a tiny bit easier.
    I like the new style of the blog!

  10. Thanks for all your replies ladies.

    Miss War Paint. Good luck hunny, i will check to see how you are doing. xx

    Nicole- Top to toe. Yes i do feel more energetic already. I know the exercise helps with boosting energy levels but cutting out processed foods is a massive factor in energy for me. I'm feeling better each day to be honest. xx

    Minakichu. Jamacia was such an amazing place to visit. It had been on my wish list for a long time. I have some lovely memories of the place. It really is beautiful and thankyou for your comment xx

    Beautydiarist. Thankyou, i'm glad you like the new layout. It took me forever ha. I am basically useless with anything technical so it was challanging. I'm pleased with the changes though. xx

    Red, thankyou lovely xx

  11. That picture of the girl in the bikini is going in my inspiration folder!! Wowzers. xx

  12. half a stone in such a short space of time?! wow well done!
    i wanna shredddddddddddd

  13. I'm admiring you Nicoletta. Don't give up :)


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx