
Saturday 1 January 2011

Full on lashes & Happy New Year !

2011 already, wow last year went so fast. I had a brilliant evening with friends last night and the Cupcakes went down a treat.
I decided to try out my False lashes that i showed you in my previous post

 Top Lashes
 Bottom Lashes
I brought these from a brilliant seller on EBay for just £1.98 Here

I was a bit dubious about applying the bottom lashes as it's something i have never tried before and although the 1st one was a bit tricky, the 2nd one went on easily. I think the results are worth it though as they look a bit Wow in my opinion anyway.

 I wore a simple cream top with a few gold sequined detail on the shoulders.

Added some Gold dangly earrings

Cream & Gold Ring

Big Gold Bangles.
Have you ever tried bottom lashes before? I can see these turning into a favourite for special occasions as i love the full on effect they give. I was a little worried at first that i might end up looking like a drag queen ( Not that there's anything wrong with drag queens ) But my friends all loved my lashes and after 1 or two vodka's i forgot i had them on.
The quality of the lashes is great, the base is soft and flexible and they stayed on until i removed them at about 2am.
Hope you all had a brilliant evening and here's to 2011 xxx


  1. The lashes look lovely - as does your hair! So jealous, I wish my hair was as long.

  2. You look lovely! Happy new year! :D


  3. i've always wanted to try some bottom false lashes, they look really glamourous on you! deffo gonna order some now :) happy new year! x

  4. wow, i was expecting these to look weird, but they actually look super fab on you! i love them! :P

  5. You look great! Love the lashes, very dramatic, but not a hint of drag queen! Happy 2011! xx

  6. u look gorgeous dear,love those lashes,i am hoping to try my first eyelashes soon. Happy New year

  7. I love the lashes and the bangles! :-)

  8. I thought both top and bottom lashes would be too much but they look really good. It helps that you've done a pale 60's lip too. Did they hurt when you took them off?

  9. Love these on you! I have some bottom lashes but I've never tried them before. Might give them a go now, hope you had a great New Year x

  10. these lashes look great on you! hope you had a fab new year xx

  11. WOAH! Those falsies looked kinda creepy and OTT in the first pic but from afar, they're actually not bad.. =) Instant attention to your eyes

  12. WOW these look fantastic honey ... also LOVE your hair!

  13. Thanks everyone, the lashes didn't hurt to remove at all. My hair was thanks to my new babylis big hair. The more i use it the more i like it.
    I've had a few people tell me they are going to try these lashes now they have seen this post which is exciting.

    Thanks for all your lovely comments, as always i am grateful for each and everyone xxx

  14. Wowowowowowow LOVE the lashes! I have that ring.. Primark! :P xx

  15. Oooh I really want to try bottom lashes now, they look awesome! I imagine both sets would look great with a super dark smokey eye.

  16. I love those lashes on you, very nice indeed!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx