
Saturday 27 November 2010

Where do we go from here?

This is me and my beautiful boys happy face. Because I've reached 450 followers Yaaaay. Thanks so much my lovelies i am over the moon and can't quite believe it.

Anyway i have added a little poll on the left to see what you gorgeous girlies would like more of on my blog?
I know i seem to do a lot of face of the days so if you are bored of them let me know. Nails of the day maybe?
Or my usual random offerings ha. Anyway please let me know if there's anything you would like on my blog and i will do my best to comply :)
I would love some input  from what you like & don't like about my blog. I'm a big girl, i can take it.

Oh yes and don't forget to enter my competition here to win a pair of Stylerush straighteners worth £79.99 as it finishes on the 1st December.
Hope you are all enjoying the weekendand Thanks again xxx


  1. my goodness, your makeup looks gooorgeous in the picture, and your son is sooooo cute :)

  2. ah thanks hun, he may be cute but he's a monkey ha. Was up half the night last night with him. x

  3. Wow! Congrats on the 450 followers! I love your blog, so I understand why you have so many followers! And your son is so cute! Love his happy face!

  4. YAY!! Congrats sweetie!! WOW, 450 is amazing! I can totally see why you have so many followers! Yours is the first blog I stop at everyday (after my sister in laws.. but I only check hers out first to try and catch glimpses of my adorable niece!!) Your little gaffer is adorable!! I think your blog is amazing just the way it is!!

  5. Ah thanks so much ladies you are so sweet xx

  6. He is adorable and I love love love your make-up too xx

  7. congratz on your 450 followers :)
    I just filled your poll :)
    I'm doing a poll too on the right hand side of my blog. I'd appreciate it if you filled mine out too :)

  8. Congratulations! No one deserves 450 followers more than you do! xx

  9. Congratulations on your 450 followers! :-) And thank you so much for being my first and only follower on my new blog, I've just seen your comments, it's nice to get feedback! Your little boy is such a cutie!

  10. Congratulations! Your blog is very entertaining and full of useful information as it is!

  11. aww you both looks adorable ^^

  12. I love your FOTDs so I hope you will keep doing these. I like the random posts too though!

    Look at that cheeky smile on your pic, so cute!

    Ellie x

  13. Congrats on so many followers! :)

  14. Big CONGRATS on getting so many followers! Easy to see why you have - your blogs awesome and theres always something interesting and informative to read :)

    P.S. He's such a wee cutie!

  15. cute little boy
    congrats hun ,, ur an amazing makeup artist ,, very talented ,,
    and loving mom ,, great person ,,wish u all the best <3 hugs xxx

  16. Congrats on so many followers.I love reading your blog xx

  17. Ah stop it you lot, you are are so lovely xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx