
Monday 29 November 2010

Liz Earle Launches in Leeds !

Wow girls, it feels so christmasy here as the weather is bitterly cold and the ground is covered in snow.
I am wrapped up nice and snug so thought it's the perfect time to tell you all about the fabulous Liz Earle event which i was lucky enough to attend last week.
I was so excited to be invited to the opening of the new Liz Earle shop in Leeds.
The shop itself looked beautiful and welcoming with it's fairy lights.

We were greeted with champagne and Mini CupCakes. Mmmm

Then Louise showed us around the store and we were given baskets and told to choose 5 products to try.
( How fab is that ) I chose Cleanse and Polish which has to be anybody's 1st choice in the Liz earle range.
I also choose the deep cleansing mask, gentle face exfoliator, superskin concentrate and superskin body cream.

The shop itself is so well designed with different areas for every type of customer. The staff were all so friendly and helpful and it had the opposite feel to some of the high street snooty counters. The shop itself was busy with a constant stream of customers and Liz Earle was on hand chatting and mingling with everyone.

With all the beautiful product choices some of us had a hard time choosing which products we wanted to try. ( Kid in a candy shop comes to mind )

The products are all wrapped beautifully in tissue paper. Grins all round from us girls.

The highlight of the event was meeting Liz Earle in person. Liz talked to us about the brand, it's products and it's ethics. We were also lucky enough to meet Jennifer the botanical research manager and were given a little insight into the process of sourcing all the natural ingredients.

This was one of my first bloggers events and luckily the other girls i met were so lovely and instantly put me at ease. It was great to meet Sinead , Ellie , Charlotte , Emily and Sarah in person.

The goodies :)
Some of you might have spotted 6 products instead of 5. That's because we were also privileged to be one of the first people to try out a brand new product which is being launched on the 27th December.
The new energising body lotion.
How exciting that little old me will be one of the first to try out this lavish smelling cream. Specially formulated to help smooth the skin and give your senses a revitalising boost.

Thank you so much Liz Earle and all the team we all had an amazing time and i can't wait to try out all the products. xx


  1. Was such a good day! Was great to meet you xx

  2. That's so exciting!! Let us know how you get on with the products :) LovelyGirlieBits

  3. Omg I would love to be able to attend something like that! Just shows the power of a good blogger :) can't wait to see how they work xx

  4. Wow, that shop looks lovely, and great to try so many products :) I wish there was a shop near me :( Thanks for sharing x

  5. Sounds great, i love Liz Earle products x

  6. you lucky lucky girl, I'm addicted to liz earle and I always wish one of their shops in my town :')

  7. Looks lovely, I love her products! Love the new layout of your blog too!

  8. Looks like you had a great time! I can't wait to hear all about the products! I love your new layout! Looks fantastic!

  9. Ah thanks ladies, i can't wait to start using the products. I love the cleanse & polish already so have high hopes for all the others x

  10. Wow that sounds FANTASTIC, wish I'd lived near you :)
    You all look so nice and the cakes look scrummy!

    And how amazing to walk away with 6 L/E products- jealous much ;)


  11. You are so lucky to get to one of her shops - Please do a review on the products you chose :)

  12. Thats Fab hun, looks like you had a great time! LE products are beautiful :) can't wait to hear what you think of them x

  13. Its always fun being in the Liz Earle store. I enjoy my visits :)


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx