
Friday 12 November 2010

OOTD & Sleek Dissapointment

Now then gorgeous girlies, i have to say i am a bit disappointed with the sleek sale. I spend over an hr yesterday and the same again today trying to get an order through. So in the end i decided to give up and go shopping instead.
To be honest i only really wanted the Rose Gold blusher, the powder pink pout polish and lots of eyelashes.
Anyway this is my OOTD. Comfy and warm for a quick browse around town.

 Jumper from Asda, Leggings from primark, Jewelry from primark.

 I should of painted my nails but ran out of time this morning.

Simple hair and makeup. Oooh i tried my new Gosh concealer which i brought in Emmabeans blog sale. I really like it.

The left side of the photo i am wearing it to show you the difference, subtle but natural difference.

Last but not least i decided to buy the sleek items i wanted after all they are not exactly expensive are they. The Rose Gold looks so so pretty and the pout polish smells lush. Reviews to come soon xxx


  1. I really want rose gold so I am incredibly grr at sleek! xx

  2. I hear a lot of people had issues with the site. There were a lot of complaints in their Facebook page.

  3. I know they have had a lot of complaints about it. It's a shame as they were trying to do something nice for there fans but it has just got people frustrated. I would of loved to buy some lashes as they dont have them in any of the stores near me but it wont stop me shopping with them again after all these things happen x

  4. I need to get Rose Gold! It's beautiful and looks a lot like Nars Orgasm from your pic!

    I gave up with the Sleek sale after about and hour. It was just so slow, I couldn't even get past the homepage. Loads of people have been tweeting about cancelled orders and being charged more than I'm kinda glad I gave up with it!
    You look lovely babe, your hair is so gorgeous!

  5. i couldn't get through the sleek site too! it sucks when they KNOW they're going to have major traffic coming in but the site is jammed :X

    at the end my friend tried for me in the UK and it worked (at least seems to be).

  6. Lovely outfit,Love that jumper. x

  7. That shade of blue really suits you! I was really lucky to be able to order on the Sleek site at 8.30 this morning but I'm worried what I ordered is going to be out of stock anyway!

  8. i wanted little stuff from sleek too but then thought i'd end up at the same price, as i still had to pay for p&p and that was 3 pounds. so unless you did not want to buy the whole sleek range... oh well... it was not necessarily worth it.
    that's me saying all these, like the fox that said the grapes she couldn't reach were probably too sour :P

  9. I love your jewellery in the photo, and the makeup you brought X

  10. That colour top looks really suits you!

  11. This outfit is très cute! Totally love the colour cos it suits you perfectly. the ring is lovely to - I love nice statement pieces like these :)

  12. Very pretty ring, i have the same one! :-)

  13. I tried earlier today and the site was working as normal but as soon as I was signing in it was going REALLY slow again (I tried for an age yesterday) but finally made my purchase!

    That jumper looks lovely on you. Gorgeous! xx

  14. MAN that shirt is amazing on you : D

  15. Funny, I made a little incursion to the Superdrug close to work at lunch time. Wanted to buy the Bad Girl Sleek palette but was sold out. I ended up buying the same exact Pout Polish. Now I wish I'd also got a blush! It looks very nice on the picture! Let us know how you like it.

  16. I love your outfit and the colour is so playfull!!Waiting for your Sleek reviews doll!!!

  17. Thanks for all your replys girls. Think i will be trying out my blusher tomorrow. Night my lovelies xx

  18. Oh, what a debacle the Sleek sale was! I understand they didn't quite anticipate they would have so many people, but they do seem to keep tabs on beauty bloggers and youtube gurus so they MUST have known it was going to be pretty big. And then going home and forgetting to extend the code. D'oh! That said, I think some people behaved appallingly on the Facebook page. It's just makeup, for gosh sake, and it's pretty cheap normally anyway. Getting really nasty and rude was just way over the top. There are polite ways to make a complaint about something.

    I'm sure Sleek learned some hard lessons and will be much better prepared next time, but I suppose it's good for them to realise how popular they are! I tried for a little while when it first started (about 10:30pm my time), but I wasn't super committed because there wasn't anything I really, really wanted - I just thought I might try a bit of this and that while it was super cheap. I couldn't get through the check out so I gave up and went to bed. I tried late the next morning and had no problem at all. It was obviously hit and miss though because a lot of people were still complaining on Facebook at that time that they were having problems. (I bought that Rose Gold blush too - it looks so pretty.)

  19. I love that ring! I can't believe it's from Primark! x

  20. You are so stinking cute! What a great outfit and accessories! The butterfly ring is awesome!

  21. you look super gorgeous ,,
    purple look s great on u ,,
    and i wish we had sleek makeup here <3 colors look awesome

  22. Gorgeous OOTD, the blue totally embraces the color of your hair :)
    And what comes to Sleek.. fail. I got three orders done, lucky me o.O

  23. Sorry you are dissapointed but you look really good.

  24. You look great lady! ;) I love your ring, super pretty! :) What are you wearing on your lips? :)

    As for the sleek sale, I managed to place an order and I got Rose Gold blusher among other things, yay!!


  25. Thanks ladies xx
    Starvoula i am wearing NYX thalia on my lips it's one of my favourites xx

  26. I guessed it would be NYX Thalia! ;) It's one of my favorite lippies as well :D x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx