
Friday 12 November 2010

All Made Up Xmas Giveaway Entry

Good Morning Ladies, It's very rare that i do a blog post for a competition entry but when i saw that Joy from All Made Up had a giveaway then i new i had to give it a mention. Here are the fabulous prizes she is giving away.

Joy has an amazing blog and has been so supportive on my blog, reading and adding comments like nobody's business. ( Thanks Joy )
The Prizes are all so lovely and include the too Faced Pixie Pin Up palette which looks adorable. 
The competition ends on the 1st of December so just in time for the xmas period. xx


  1. Ends 1st November? That was 12 days ago?
    Off to check when it ends.. ;)

  2. Sorry my mistake ends 1st December thanks for pointing it out xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx