
Monday 2 August 2010

Smokey eyes & Voluptuous Lash Stilleto Review

This is a look i made by mistake. By this i mean it was not the look i was going for because i wanted a pink & purple eye look but when i really didn't like it so i ended up putting black on the lid and blending it all out and it ended up like this. I cant even remember what i used but i really like it haha.
Oh yes and ignore the moody face i was trying to look like a rock chick but look more like a Wanted posted.

Close up of the eyes. I added a few corner individual lashes to make it look a little more dramatic.
Also i wanted to share my thoughts on Maybelline Lash Stiletto Voluptuous. I'm not sure if these are all waterproof but the one i picked up is. I don't usually go for waterproof mascaras but as i am going away soon i thought it was worth giving it a try as i need waterproof when I'm abroad.
I'm really pleased with this mascara, i have such short stubby lashes and this really was one of the best i have tried.
As you can see it makes my lashes actual look decent which is a miracle in itself. I love the way it lengthens and adds volume at the same time and being waterproof is an added bonus. I will definitely be taking this one away with me. It seems to hold a curl quite well too. Yes i am impressed with this little gem and think it could turn out to be my new favourite mascara. Have you girls tried this yet?


  1. The eye make up is really nice. I love the colours. xx

  2. EOTD look gorgeous and thanks for tha maskara review!Really helpful!Hugs

  3. I like it too..XD! Very fierce..^^

  4. Loving the look!! You look gorgeous! :)


  5. Love your eotd, just gorgeous :)
    Thx for the swatch ;)

  6. Love the end result. And FYI, if thats what your wanted poster looks like... I'm jealous! xo

  7. such a great look!! so pretty =) xx

  8. Good look - and that mascara looks great! x

  9. Thanks for all the replies, i wish i could remember what i used? I am so pleased to have such a lot of positive comments it always inspires me to try something a little bit different each day instead of the same look day in day out. X

  10. Gorgeous look..Great mascara..

  11. Love these colours, really pretty! x

  12. Love the colors great look =)

  13. That is a gorgeous purple smokey eye! :)

  14. that always happens to me, too, that I am going for a specific look and then end up doing something completely different! :-)) i love what you came up with, reminds me of the hello-kitty make-up when the mac collection came out!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx