
Monday 2 August 2010


Morning my lovely bloggers. I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you who have been so amazing and friendly, fun, supportive, everything a fellow blogger could wish for. I have been given 3 more awards recently. Yes 3 I can't quite believe it.
This one is a little overdue on posting.
Thank you so much to the lovely Stavroula at Drugstore & Bargain lover

Who awarded me  the I Love your Blog Award. Thanks so much hun. Stavroula has a great blog full of random useful tips so if you have not seen her blog already go and take a look.

The 2nd Award was from KAT over at Click & Makeup .  Kat gave me the Sunshine Award

Thanks so much for this award it is so sweet of you and i love your blog hun x

The last award comes from Jennifer who is at Legally Blond . Thank you sweety for the lovely award of versatile blogger. To say i am overwhelmed by all you beautiful girls support is an understatement.

The rules of this award are:
1. Share 7 things about yourself.
2. Pass the award onto a few bloggers who you have recently discovered.
3. Let these blogs know that you have awarded them the Versatile Blogging Award

So here are my 7 things about me.
1. I'm half Italian but never been to Italy.
2. I danced in pantomimes, shows from the age of 6-20
3. I drank so much tequila on a work trip to Mexico that i was wheeled back to my hotel in a wheelchair in front of my boss (ooops)
4. I once thought a nose hair trimmer was an electric eyelash curler and tried it on one eye. (not a good look)
5. I Love 60's music

The bloggers I nominate for this award are. KISS & MAKEUP  The gorgeous JAY is one of my favourite blogs so if you have not found her make sure you check her out.

The 2nd blog I want to nominate is SABRAROSE  another of my favourite blogs.

I purposly picked blogs that are fairly new as i think they can sometimes get missed out and these two are well worth following.

I also wanted to say a huge THANKYOU to Jo from Beautylicious Love . I know most of you will know her blog well. Jo is the sweetest blogger ever and she kindly put a mention of my blog on twitter and her lovely friends came and followed me  ( Yaaaaaay ) My followers jumped from just over 100 to 140 WOW.
Thanks hun i need to join Twitter soon.
I am so excited to have so many followers and cant wait to get to know you all better.
Hugs & Kisses


  1. Hey Nic, I tagged you in one of those awards too :*** well done!

  2. Thanks so much for the award hun! :) xx

  3. Awww thank you so much hunny. Im so glad some of my Twitter friends followed you.



Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx