
Sunday 23 May 2010

Oooh i won my 1st Award

Thankyou so much girl in the city for nominating me for an award i am thrilled especially as i have only been blogging for just over 1 week. I dont deserve this but thankyou xx

The rules are as follows:
Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.
Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
Put the award on your blog.
Let your nominated 10 know you've awarded them by leaving a comment.

My 10 nominations are:
bamboozle beauty blog
because she manages to still keep a great blog whist doing 1001 other things in her life

pea make up
For her honest and down to earth writing style

yummy mummys beauty blog

For a brilliant long running blog full of brilliant and exciting pretty things for all yummy mummys.

sprinkle of glitter
One of the sweetest bloggers with loads of great info and creative fun ideas

For a great mix of all things girly which i always enjoy reading

To help me with all my nail polish cravings and great ideas

Laurens dressing room
For inspirational outfits which put me to shame

Alice in a new wonerland
Love all of her face of the day looks.

Lil biuty
I'm a new follower to this one but great blog honest and real blog

Last but not least
The very pink of perfection
For a strong independant woman who is juggling, beauty blogging and babies


  1. Ooooh ya thank you very much! I shall be sure to do a post on this tres soon xxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. aaaw thank you so much! I will repost this as soono as I can! xx

  3. aaww Thank you so much Nicoletta! I'll be sure to spread the word!! oh and you boys are absolutely gorgeous!!!

  4. You are welcome girls you are all great x

  5. You are welcome you have a brilliant blog i love reading it x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx