
Monday 24 May 2010

Hello there girlies. It's been so gorgeous here these last few days i hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine. It's so nice to be able to wear some summer clothes and walk about with bare legs, lets hope it stays this way .Sprinkle of glitter had this on her blog and tagged all her followers. I love to get to know other bloggers, probably because i am nosey. So here it goes:

1. What shoe size are you?

Size 4 which suits me because i am only a shortie at 5ft 2.

2. Where do you work?

I work part time as a wedding makeup artist and i also work part time from home running the paperwork side of my husbands business. Oh yes and full time mum that's my biggest job :)

3. Favorite piece of clothing you own?

Ooh that's a hard one. I recently brought a new dress from dorothy perkins which i really love. It's cream strapless with some studs on pockets. I will add some photos to my blog when i wear it x

4. Your favorite blog?

Couldn't choose just 1 all the other blogs are brilliant i love something about most of them that i read.

5. Do you have any pets?

No pets i do love animals but my husband is allergic to cats and I'm not in enough to have a dog. I think eventually i will get one though.

6. How many siblings do you have?

I just have 1 older brother i really wanted a sister growing up but sadly it never happened.

7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I would live here. I have moved around loads as a a child and throughout my life. I want my children to grow up having long term friends and to feel secure and i am really happy right here right now.

8. What were you doing before this?

I was doing the ironing and then playing with my 2 year old rocco in the garden before putting him down for a nap.

9. Your favorite food?

I have a real sweet tooth and i love chocolate especially cadburys cream eggs.

10. Do you have a middle name?


11. Your favorite websites?

Beauty judge for great reviews, info and much more
annies candles and melts I love all these products they are amazing, handmade and adorable check it out .
and of course e bay

12. Who do you tag?
girl in the city
never gonna be methadone pretty

1 comment:

  1. I did this the other day, it's a great tag to get to know people better :-) I used to do my dad's paperwork for his business so I know that can get a bit tough! Plus when it's someone close to you personally you get really careful about not buggering things up!
    I agree with you that I don't want to move around much. My boyfriend grew up an army brat due to his parents both being in the forces til he was 10.. as a result of dealing with so many new people and places he can be quite shy and finds it a bit hard to adjust. Some people get used to it but some don't.


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx