
Monday 31 May 2010


I love this colour SCORCH from Creative nail design.
It is such a bright girly pink with a touch of purple. Whenever i wear this colour it makes me feel brighter and makes me feel funky even when i'm lounging about in my casual clothes on a sunday or bank holiday monday.
As always the quality of creative polishes is excellent. 2 coats for a beautiful streak free finish and a glossiness to be reconed with even without a top coat.
Ahhh instant Glamour.
Do you ladies have any product or item of clothing etc that instantly lifts your mood?

New Blog Award from the wonderful Lauren Loves

Thankyou very much to the gorgeous Lauren Loves for giving me this award. Lauren has a really great informative blog full of all things girly so if you have not checked her out before now's your chance.

MissKC027's(Kim) contest entry

You must take a look at the fabulous Dance as if no ones watching giveaway. She is being more than generous with her giveaway of 5 mac lipglasses + 1 opi polish and 1 other mac product. The giveaway is to celebrate over 150 followers in just 3 weeks (WOW). Congrats my love.

Finishes on June 13th so here are my answers
A) What are your go to products? list 5.
MAC Skinfinish in medium plus
Clinique high impact mascara
Urban decay 24/7 liner in zero
MAC creme cup lipstick
N07 Brow liner in brown

B) Tell your opinion, what is the least important makeup product(1), and why.
My least inportant makeup product is powder as i like a dewy finish to my skin and my makeup tends to last without it.

Sunday 30 May 2010

LUSH 6 products for £10

I just thought i would tell you bloggers about the lush offer which is on at the moment.
Every now and again lush put together a little package at a great price for customers to try out things they might not normally get.
This little bundle includes:

Glorious Mud body mask,
Token to the Forest Gods toner tab,
Buffy body butter,
Stepping Stone foot scrub,
sample tins of Fair Trade Foot Lotion and Ultralight moisturiser.

All this for just £10 is a bargain so if you have a lush near you check it out xx

Tag: Would You Rather...

Ariel had this on her blog and i thought it makes good reading so feel free to copy it and join!

Here are the rules:

1) Copy this picture and put it into your own post
2) Answer all the questions
3) Tag as many people as you like
4) Tell them that you've tagged them
5) See what they answered!

Be extremely beautiful or extremely intelligent?
Extremely beautiful (shallow i know)

Go without brushing your teeth for a year or go without washing your hair for a year?
It would have to be washing my hair but either way it's a discusting thought.

Be Rich or Famous?
Definately rich, just think of all the makeup i could buy.

Have an amazing shoe collection or an amazing makeup collection?
It has to be makeup because people look more at my face than my shoes.

Be able to sing or be able to dance?
100% Dance I went to dance college when i was younger and loved it. I love all types of dance especially salsa. I would of loved to have been a proffesional dancer.

Be stranded on a Desert Island or in the Desert?
Desert island of course

Have a Computer or a TV?
A Computer then i could be sneeky and watch certain programs on it anyway.

Wear spots or stripes for the rest of your life?

Drink out of a Teacup or a Mug?
It has to be a mug and a large one at that so i have enough room to dunk my biscuits.

Receive a bunch of Flowers or a box of chocolates?
Flowers i am an old romantic at heart and love nothing more than surprise flowers.

Have a hug or a Kiss from someone you love?
Can i have both? oh ok hugs then, i love hugs, happy hugs, sad hugs, bear hugs, it will be ok hugs.

Wear Converse or Stilettos?
Stilettos i'm only short and love my killer heels but i only wear them on a night out and usually they are thrown off by the end of the night.

Meet Johnny Depp or Robert Pattinson?
Johnny Depp

Be a Fairy or a Mermaid?
A fairy with a real magic wand please.

A Coffee or a Cup of Tea?
Coffee i dont like tea yuk.

Pink nails or Blue nails?

Live somewhere sunny or somwhere cold?

Have an amazing house or an amazing car?
Amazing house i dont drive yet anyway.

Be kind or funny?
I'd definately be kind. I like to think i'm kind anyway.

Eat Sweets or Cake?
Cake chocolate cake mmmmm

Hold a Tarantula or a Snake?
Snake i have held a python before and they dont scare me at all but spiders i cant stand them.

Wear a neclace or a ring?

Laugh or Smile?

Be hated or be a hater?
Hater if i had too.

Wear Pearls or Beads?

If you had to choose, lose your sight or your hearing?

Have lots of money or lots of friends?
Money i only need a few real friends.

Love or be loved?
Be loved


I tag everyone who reads this!!!

Saturday 29 May 2010

Annie's Candles & Melts

Hello my fellow bloggers, today i want to tell you all about the amazing Annie who i recently found on the internet while searching for my love of fragrance tart melts.
I have tried many brands but since i have found Annie i have not looked elsewhere.

This is a one woman company who sells the most fabulous range of Tart melts, soaps, bath products, candles etc. Everything is handmade with love and care and beautifully packaged.
I want to show you my latest little order that i recieved a few weeks ago.
Everytime i recieve an order it feels like xmas as annie always adds little surprise samples to try out for free which lets me try out some more of her wonderful creations.
The above little fairy cakes i chose the scent buttercream for the cream ones and lemon chiffon for the pink.
I have displayed them in my kitchen and everytime i walk by i get a heavenly waft of sweet iced fairy buns and lemon drisled cake MMMMMM.

Next i have a packet of these adorable little ducks. I chose creme brule scent for these. Again i have displayed them as they are too nice to hide away in a cuboard, this time in my sons bathroom. Now out of all the scents i have tried this has to be the creme de la crem. It is outstandingly good, a true cream caramel you can almost taste it as it burns away. I also find the scents last a really long time compared to other tarts that i have tried. If you are going to order then this is a great one to try.

Also in my sons bathroom i found a home for free the froggy soap which my son adores.
The soap is fragranced with banana, strawberry and kiwi and are delightful for the kids.It contains a small rubber erasers which becomes free as you use the soap. What a brilliant idea. Now my 9 year old wants one as well.
The best bit about this soap is it's made from 100% pure vegetable based soapthem with added goats milk, coconut cream oil and olive oil to make it soft and gentle on young skins. The price is just £2.25 which is a bargain.

I will add a few photos of my little rocco enjoying his new things and will follow up with a part 2 of the other products. If you have not tried annies products before i highly recommend them. xx

Friday 28 May 2010

Feeling the love !!!!!!!

Tonight i was going to tell you all about the fabulous annies candles and melts which i have fallen in love with but it's 9.48pm and me and my husband don't seem to have had much quality time lately between work, looking after the kids, blogging facebooking and generally doing normal everyday things, so instead of writing a long blog i have decided it can wait. (hope you dont mind).
Instead i'm going to run a nice long bath put some lush goodies in and have a nice jacuzzi together and an early night.
I will catch up with you all soon. Hope you are all having a fab friday xxx

Thursday 27 May 2010


Hello my lovely bloggers. I have been thinking about weather or not i can brave you all without my makeup. (Scary thought)
I never leave the house without makeup on, it's my barrier to life. No matter how bad I'm feeling or how rough i look i slap on some slap and instantly feel like i can face whatever the world throws at me. I have been this way for many many years. Some people say it's insecurity i just say my makeup makes me feel more confident and it's part of who i am.

But if i am going to be blogging then i feel like i need to let you all in a little bit so with this in mind i have decided i might as well start as i mean to go on. I think to see how good a product can be (or not) depends a lot on the canvas you are working on eg skin so here goes.

This is me just after my morning coffee.

Today i am testing out MAC C3 in Face & Body foundation. I am using my airbrush to spray it on. I don't usually airbrush my face i only use it for doing makeovers on other people but I'm just testing this foundation so thought it was a chance to show you girls how it looks.

This is the Mac Face & Body C3 on my hand. The texture is really runny and i know there is no way i could make it work without airbrushing it on.

This is me when i have just finished airbrushing the foundation on. As you can see it covers quite well but looks ultra shiney as it takes ages to dry.

Here i have added a little clinique cream blusher in rosey and i very tiny amount of clinique almost bronzer in light / medium and mascara. The foundation is dry now so it looks less shiny as well.


A little eye makeup (no falsies today as ran out of time) some lipgloss and I'm ready to face the world.

I am interested to know if other bloggers put photos on without makeup?
I hope you are all having a great day and please leave me a comment to make my day xx

Tuesday 25 May 2010

FOTD Little Post

Hi there all my fellow bloggers, today i decided to go for quite a natural look. I find myself being drawn to mineral foundation all the time and although i had my doubts when i purchased the LOREAL BARE NATURALE gentle mineral makeup i have been pleasantly surprised.
It gives decent coverage and still looks natural and lasts pretty well on. So i buffed this on with a flat head kabuki brush
The colour I'm wearing is natural beige and it matches perfectly which makes a change
I have slight yellow undertones and this is perfect for me or anyone with a slightly olive tone but fairly fair skin (if that makes sense).

I applied some false lashes which i found in my little hideaway tin. I'm not sure which make they are which is a shame as i really like these on as i think they look quite natural.

Then i added some 24/7 urban decay liner in zero and that's about it for the eyes.

My 2 favourite products for today are from the smashbox range. I don't have a lot of smashbox products but the ones i do have i really like.
So 1st is the Fusion Soft Lights Gossamer blusher this seems to brush on effortlessly and gives a lovely shimmer which never looks too much.

The 2ND is a mini gloss in the colour Bombshell which is a really natural nudey pink colour. I love this gloss but am trying to make it last as the tube is so tiny.

Do you have any smashbox products you recommend and please let me know if you like the eyelashes quite natural like this. Night Night my lovely 15 others xx

Monday 24 May 2010

Hello there girlies. It's been so gorgeous here these last few days i hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine. It's so nice to be able to wear some summer clothes and walk about with bare legs, lets hope it stays this way .Sprinkle of glitter had this on her blog and tagged all her followers. I love to get to know other bloggers, probably because i am nosey. So here it goes:

1. What shoe size are you?

Size 4 which suits me because i am only a shortie at 5ft 2.

2. Where do you work?

I work part time as a wedding makeup artist and i also work part time from home running the paperwork side of my husbands business. Oh yes and full time mum that's my biggest job :)

3. Favorite piece of clothing you own?

Ooh that's a hard one. I recently brought a new dress from dorothy perkins which i really love. It's cream strapless with some studs on pockets. I will add some photos to my blog when i wear it x

4. Your favorite blog?

Couldn't choose just 1 all the other blogs are brilliant i love something about most of them that i read.

5. Do you have any pets?

No pets i do love animals but my husband is allergic to cats and I'm not in enough to have a dog. I think eventually i will get one though.

6. How many siblings do you have?

I just have 1 older brother i really wanted a sister growing up but sadly it never happened.

7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I would live here. I have moved around loads as a a child and throughout my life. I want my children to grow up having long term friends and to feel secure and i am really happy right here right now.

8. What were you doing before this?

I was doing the ironing and then playing with my 2 year old rocco in the garden before putting him down for a nap.

9. Your favorite food?

I have a real sweet tooth and i love chocolate especially cadburys cream eggs.

10. Do you have a middle name?


11. Your favorite websites?

Beauty judge for great reviews, info and much more
annies candles and melts I love all these products they are amazing, handmade and adorable check it out .
and of course e bay

12. Who do you tag?
girl in the city
never gonna be methadone pretty

Sunday 23 May 2010

Oooh i won my 1st Award

Thankyou so much girl in the city for nominating me for an award i am thrilled especially as i have only been blogging for just over 1 week. I dont deserve this but thankyou xx

The rules are as follows:
Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.
Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
Put the award on your blog.
Let your nominated 10 know you've awarded them by leaving a comment.

My 10 nominations are:
bamboozle beauty blog
because she manages to still keep a great blog whist doing 1001 other things in her life

pea make up
For her honest and down to earth writing style

yummy mummys beauty blog

For a brilliant long running blog full of brilliant and exciting pretty things for all yummy mummys.

sprinkle of glitter
One of the sweetest bloggers with loads of great info and creative fun ideas

For a great mix of all things girly which i always enjoy reading

To help me with all my nail polish cravings and great ideas

Laurens dressing room
For inspirational outfits which put me to shame

Alice in a new wonerland
Love all of her face of the day looks.

Lil biuty
I'm a new follower to this one but great blog honest and real blog

Last but not least
The very pink of perfection
For a strong independant woman who is juggling, beauty blogging and babies

Saturday 22 May 2010

St Moriz instant self tanning mist review

Now then where do i start with this. I love to look brown, i think it stems from being half Italian. My skin has natural yellow undertones or golden which sounds better, because of this when i don't have a tan i look a bit poorly so of course i try and fake it because I'm not a fan of sunbeds. Who would be knowing what serious damage they can do to your skin.

So i have tried so so many tans out there on the market and have been looking forward to trying this out because of all the reviews.
Saying that, nearly all the reviews i have found have been for the mousse formula so i thought I'd try this one so i could share the results with you.

I love the thought of an aerosol tan in a can because it is a lot lot quicker to apply and with it saying instant in the title assumed it would be coloured so you can see if you have missed anywhere which is a huge bonus.

So i started from the top working my way down including my face. The problem was the mist was a little too full on so you have to move quite fast otherwise it runs and although in theory it should be quicker it isn't because you need to rub it in evenly and then the waiting time for drying seems to take forever.

Unfortunately for me my little boy decided he wanted me to pick him up when my tan was not fully dry so i ended up with a few patches on my legs where he dug his feet into me.
But apart from that i am really really pleased with it. The colour is really deep and natural. A much better colour on me than st tropez.
I will however be trying the much talked about mousse formula next time.
I have found a website that sells it now for just £2.99. Postage is only £3.00 so if you were getting a few it would be a bargain.
Photo below is after tanning and i had no breakouts on my face either.
What do you think? Do you like the colour?

Thursday 20 May 2010

Gosh Velvet Primer Review

Well i have only had this product for a few days but i am really loving it so far. I have tried quite a few primers ranging from cheap to expensive and only really been happy with one so i am quite picky as i expect a lot.
Now the price is reasonable (£13) as the product will last for ages.
The consistency is really good and although it feels thin it really slides effortlessly across my skin and goes a long way.
The packaging is nice and hygienic being in a pump tube and it makes it easy to distribute the right amount.
I find it really helps to minimise the look of my fine lines and pores and my foundation definitely seems to go on a lot more evenly and the best bit is no breakouts which was my main concern.
If my skin was better i would definitely be able to wear this as a base without the need for foundation and i could get away with wearing just this and a powder to even out my skin a little bit.
The velvet touch primer leaves my skin feeling silky smooth as soon as i apply it and seems to last all day. This product is a must have for anybody with fine lines, open pores or oiliness.

I was hoping to tell you all about my tanning experience with the St Moriz instant spray mist tonight, but my little boy Rocco who is only 2 was up most of the night being poorly last night bless him so i'm playing catch up now and i'm one girl who really needs her sleep. Thank you to my new readers and night night xx

Wednesday 19 May 2010

My New Goodies

Well yesterday i went shopping to meadowhall in sheffield. It's rare that i get a day to myself so this was a real treat. I went with my friend lindsey and had lunch as well so it ended up a really lovely day. I wasn't planning on buying any beauty products but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do right?
So here's what i got:

Now i know this first one isn't strictly beauty but i couldn't resist this gorgeous storage box. I am planning on keeping my hair accessories in it under my dressing table. It was only £4.99 which i think is a bargain. I've been looking at similar ones for a while and I'm sure i will be back to buy more as they come in so handy for all my products and help keep my bedroom look less cluttered.

I knew before i went shopping that i would have to buy something from lush as it's one of my favourite shops. I adore the massage bars and so of course i had to get a new one to try out. I'm looking forward to reviewing this one because it smells gorgeous.

Mac Mac Mac. What is it about the mac counter that calls me in every time. I couldn't resist this beautiful shimmery glossiness from the new collection to the beach. Do i need another gloss like this NO does this fact stop me No.
However i must say this lipglass in easy lounger although similar to others in my collection has something extra special about it.

Then last but not least is the St Moriz tanning mist. I have heard so many reviews for this that i have been dying to get my hands on some without much luck. I found it by accident when walking through the lanes in meadowhall where there is a stall that has all the formula's for only £4.99.
Might i add i was a bit naughty and spent far too much as i also brought some clothes, jewelry and shoes ooops.
Then on top of that i got home to find out the postman had been and delivered my recent order from
I will dedicate my next blog to this order as the goodies are too nice to skim over.

A day of spoiling myself has been great and now it's back to being mummy xx

Monday 17 May 2010

Strawberry treats

Well today i feel like the start of summer is upon us. Now the one thing that really reminds me of summer is Strawberrys, so with this in mind i have two little beauties to talk about which are strawberry inspired.
I'm sure some of you have seen the Barry M Strawberry nail paint before, it is part of a collection they have recently bought out with some gorgeous colours. This one is my favourite though it's so girly and fresh looking it goes on smoothly and even looks good on short nails like mine.
I added a coat of china glaze top coat to this for a bit of extra shine and i love love love it.

The second item arrived today in the post from the wonderful LUSH. 1 very large bottle of Yummy Yummy Yummy. Description taken from the website :
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy is soon to be discontinued! It's a deliciously fragrant strawberry and almond cream for the skin. Helen created it with wonderfully natural ingredients: fresh strawberries, soothing honey and moisturising almond oil, with a drop of rejuvenating olibanum. It's not common shower gel, it's the yummiest strawberries and cream wash ever.
Yes you heard right this fantastic shower gel is being discontinued much to my disapointment. So i would stock up now before it's gone. I just love the fresh strawberry and cream scent this gives off it lathers really well and feels so luxurious and creamy. I am really sad to see it go. However on a brighter note lush also added a freebie into my order which was a huge bonus and made me smile so thanks lush.

This was my freebie from lush
Waving Not Drowning Ballistic

The lavender, ylang ylang and fennel insomnia bomber. When you're exhausted and you'd give all your money just to be able to drift off into dreamland, that's when you need a Waving Not Drowning bath. We use lavender to calm and balance your mind, with ylang to relax you, cardamom to help relieve mental fatigue and fennel to clear your head. If you haven't got a bath, stick it in a bowl of hot water by your bed and breathe deeply.

I think its great when companies add little extras into orders it always impresses me after all who doesnt love to get something for free. I will update you all when i have tried out this little ball of gorgeousness. They also added a little card which makes you think about how easy it is to spread a little kindness which leaves me thinking about what my good deed for the day will be???

Sunday 16 May 2010

sleek primer

So today i have been to my local carboot sale i love a good rummage around but didnt find any bargains. Still the sun was shining and i took the kids with me and they enjoyed it so on the way back i popped into superdrug and picked up the sleek velvet primer.
I have read lots of different reviews on this and so am excited to try it out myself. I have tried quite a few primers and not been overly impressed with many of them so am keeping my fingers crossed on this one. If you have tried the gosh primer i would love to know your thoughts xx

Friday 14 May 2010

Hello Everyone and welcome to the first blog i have ever created.
I love love love false eyelashes. This might have something to do with the fact that mine are naturally short and stubby.
I love all sorts of lashes. Corner lashes, individual lashes, strip lashes, extensions, natural to full on glam, sparkly and coloured. ( who would of thought you could get so many different types )
Anyway my question is can your lashes ever be too long? Do you girls like the natural look or like me think the bigger the better?
Now i just need someone to read this and i'm away.....