
Monday 30 April 2012

Please Read me!

I had to start this post with a huge THANKYOU to all of you lovely people who have been following my blog. It seems like only yesterday when i nervously wrote that first post and i remember the butterflies i felt when 1 person pressed the follow button. I was surprised anyone wanted to read my ramblings and to this day i still do.

I started my blog because i had a passion for makeup, skincare and all things beauty related. I've made some lovely on line friends and its been a brilliant positive experience. The blogging community has some of the genuinely nicest people in it and I've learnt so much so THANKYOU.

It was through my blog that i decided to start my little business venture making Hand made bath & Body products Marshmallow Blends. With the support of so many of you it is becoming quite busy and i am constantly battling to find time to review other products and answer to PR's and other blog related issues so after a huge amount of thought i have decided that it is probably best that i take a change in direction on the blogging front.

In my opinion to be a good blogger you have to be passionate about what you write about so for me i need to be true to myself and blog about things that i truly love.

I will still be writing a blog but i will be writing about the products i make and my journey from here on. I really hope some of you will still follow me. 

Thank you for each and every comment over the last year and a half and for helping me find my way xxx


  1. Wishing you all the very best with your business venture :-) xx

  2. Good for you! Congratulations on the business, am yet to make a purchase but I will! xx

  3. Good luck with your business venture & I look forward to reading all about your journey!

  4. Thanks so much girls, you are all fab xx

  5. Wishing you the best on your new venture and of course I will continue to be a fan :)

  6. Good luck to you and I look forward to reading your future posts x

  7. Good Luck Nicoletta, I'm looking forward to reading all about your new products :) Jude xx @jadlgw

  8. wishing u all the best honey,may God prosper u<3

  9. Thanks so much everyone I'm so pleased you are sticking with me xx

  10. As I said on your facebook page, your work is amazing, so I wish you good luck with it

  11. Good luck...I shall keep reading. x

  12. Good luck...I'll definitely still be following what you write.

    p.s. haven't had time to do a proper review (or fully try everything yet) but I'm loving everything that I ordered from you! x

  13. Good luck . . , can't wait to watch all your success unfold. :)

  14. Will you continue on this blog or on a new one Nicoletta? Best of luck - I'm so excited for you that things are moving along so well!

    You've been so kind and supportive to me over the last year since I started blogging - I ain't going nowhere! ;-)

    Nic xx

  15. Aww it's so nice of you ladies. Thank you.
    Nic I will continue on this one but probably change the name x

  16. I will continue to follow your adventures :) wish you all the best with everything! Good luck!

  17. :) I just love the blogger world and how positive everyone is!!

  18. Everyone is right behind you lovely x

  19. Definitely will continue to follow and SO pleased that your business is coming on in leaps and bounds :) x

  20. good luck lovely cant wait to read all about it =) xx

  21. Good Luck, i've loved the products i got from you! I will still be following too, i think your little business venture is great! :)

  22. I wish you the best of luck in your fantastic venture! I adore the products you make and can't wait to read more about your business xx

  23. I'm sticking by you, I love reading your blog and can't wait to read more about your business and watch it grow! Good Luck darling xxx

  24. So pleased to have all these lovely comments thanks ladies xx

  25. Awww best of luck with everything huny! Your blog has always been one of my favs, found so many fab products thanks to you! Will of course look forward to reading your upcoming posts! :)

    Love Aysh xoxo

  26. YEP I agree with everyone hun, I will 100% be right behind you and reading about your journey. I can't wait to read all about your products! Exciting!

  27. I just found your blog and it's pretty ironic as I've just started my own and got my first follower! I've read blogs for years and was scared off by some bloggers getting alot of criticism, but took the plunge and I'm glad I did. Thanks for sharing with us :)

  28. Thanks ladies, i will still be stalking you all on twitter and reading your blogs xx

  29. Great initiative lovely! :) I will of course be reading your blog and trying out some of your lovely products of course :)



Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx