
Monday 30 April 2012

Please Read me!

I had to start this post with a huge THANKYOU to all of you lovely people who have been following my blog. It seems like only yesterday when i nervously wrote that first post and i remember the butterflies i felt when 1 person pressed the follow button. I was surprised anyone wanted to read my ramblings and to this day i still do.

I started my blog because i had a passion for makeup, skincare and all things beauty related. I've made some lovely on line friends and its been a brilliant positive experience. The blogging community has some of the genuinely nicest people in it and I've learnt so much so THANKYOU.

It was through my blog that i decided to start my little business venture making Hand made bath & Body products Marshmallow Blends. With the support of so many of you it is becoming quite busy and i am constantly battling to find time to review other products and answer to PR's and other blog related issues so after a huge amount of thought i have decided that it is probably best that i take a change in direction on the blogging front.

In my opinion to be a good blogger you have to be passionate about what you write about so for me i need to be true to myself and blog about things that i truly love.

I will still be writing a blog but i will be writing about the products i make and my journey from here on. I really hope some of you will still follow me. 

Thank you for each and every comment over the last year and a half and for helping me find my way xxx

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Where Art Thou Olive?

I wonder how many people actually look at the ingredients in the products that they buy? I have to admit that before i started making my own products i didn't really take a huge amount of notice about what was in what? Nowadays that has all changed though and i am very fussy about what i put on my skin, in my bath and on my hair.

I have found a new love and appreciation of different oils and butters and when you look into the benefits of each single oil its no wonder that so many people are turning back to nature.

One of my favourite oils is good old Olive Oil. Now i say old because its the first oil i ever used as a beauty product. Being half Italian i was taught from being about 11 years old that the best way to condition long hair was to warm a little olive oil up in a pan and massage through the hair. Wrap in a towel and leave for or a few hrs and shampoo out. It works like a dream and my Nana & Great grandmother always had the most gorgeous shiny hair from years of doing this. 

So i guess it was natural for me to have a love of this gorgeous oil not only as a beauty product but of course in cooking as well.

Olive oil naturally contains Vitamins A & E which are often added into expensive Face creams as an ingredient which helps to repair and renew skin damage. Olive oil penetrates the skin easily and moisturises exceptionally well without clogging pores. Its good for all skin types and best of all you can buy it at your supermarket.

If you have a bottle of olive oil lying about and you fancy a little bit of DIY beauty then here are a few ways to use it:
Deep hair treatment: As i said before warm a small amount up in a sauce pan so its nice and warm (Not hot) about 3 tablespoons depending on hair length. Wash your hair and rinse then massage this through the hair. Its great for a dry scalp or dandruff and brilliant for dry ends. Wrap in a towel and leave for a good few hrs, the longer the better and then just shampoo out. It leaves hair silky soft and so shiny.

Zesty Body Scrub: I'm not going to give amounts as its easier to do this by feel just throw them in together mix well. Juice of a lemon or lime, good swig of olive oil, natural brown sugar. Mix them well so it makes a nice paste and then massage over wet skin and rinse. This will leave the skin super soft and moisturised but if you don't like the feel of oil on your skin then you can just rinse off with your usual shower gel.

Lip Scrub: If your lips are feeling a bit flaky then add 2 teaspoons of olive oil with 2 teaspoons of white sugar and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix well then gently massage over the lips and wipe off with a soft cloth. Apply a dab of lip balm (Works Wonders)

Do you look at what ingredients are in your products that you use or are you happy to use something without reading the label? Would you be interested in more DIY Posts?

Saturday 21 April 2012

Loving Right Now!

Wow I'm really over due a post on here. Sorry for the lack of blogging but things are a bit hectic at the moment so i thought I'd just write a very quick post to say Hello and let you know a few products I'm loving right now!

Korres Wild Rose 24 Hr Moisturising Brightening Cream
I mentioned how much i loved this cream before well the more i use it the better my skin seems to be. The consistency is a thick creamy gel which absorbs incredibly well and gives me plenty of moisture but still feels light. Its unlike anything Ive used before and i am now well over half way through this little pot of magic.

 Will i re buy? Definite Yes.

My skin feels smoother, looks brighter and more even toned. A must have product for all skin types.

 Sleek Face & Body Highlighter

 I received this recently for review purposes and added it to my "Must Try" stash. It sat there for a while and i didn't think to use it but on a night out last week i thought id give it a try and it was instant Love.

The shades give a gorgeous shimmery sheen and a nice amount of warmth. The colours blend beautifully and leave a gorgeous Glow. Ive been using it ever since. I will do some proper swatches for you all soon.

Hehe Sorry about the pout pic :) It does show the glow though.

 And if you were thinking i look very tanned here you are quite right. Its all down to this next product Model Co Tan Airbrush in a can.

 I cant be without a lick of tan on a night out and this spray tan is so quick and easy it makes me feel like Ive been for a spray tan at the salon. It sprays at all angles making it super easy to reach those awkward areas and best of all there is no orange hands as you literally spray it on and leave it to do its magic.
It also smells gorgeous and fruity and lasts a good 5 days which is fab. 
A bit on the pricey side but worth it.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend and thanks for reading xx

Sunday 15 April 2012

Coconut Ice Sugar Scrub Bars

Just a quick post to let you ladies know that I've just added a little You Tube video to show how i use my Coconut Ice Sugar Scrub Bars. Not the best to record as I'm feeling a little bit worse for wear after a girls night out lol.

Im also having a little giveaway over on Facebook where you i'm giving away one of my new Carrot Cake body scrubs so feel free to pop over and enter HERE.
Hope you have all had a lovely weekend xx

Thursday 12 April 2012

Shoes with Spikes!

Morning ladies, I just wanted to show you one of my latest pairs of sky scraper heels which i was sent for review purposes a few weeks ago. These shoes are not for the shy retiring type but if you want to make a statement then they are the perfect pair. Check these bad boys out:

At just 5ft 2 i do like a good heel but these are extremely high so not for beginners but if you want dramatic height then you cant go wrong. Measuring in at 15cm and a platform these give plenty of height & the studs add a nice rocky edge.

I wore these last week with a casual outfit to dress things up a bit and got loads of nice comments about them.

They are available from an online website called Sheinside they cost $89 with free shipping which is roughly £56. They also have a huge range of other beautiful shoes and if you are looking for something different then its well worth a look here

What do you think? How high do you like your heels?

Friday 6 April 2012

Models Own Matt Brite Pink Hawaiian Lippy Love!

I knew from the moment i saw this lipstick that i had to have it. Pink Hawaiian captures the tropical shade perfectly and its a definite must have lippy for the summer. 

 One word LOVE!

The shade is matte but somehow it doesn't have any of the drying tendencies that a lot of the matte lipsticks seem to have. It doesn't sit in the lines and best of all it seriously lasts. I'd go as far as saying it's probably the most long lasting lipstick that i now own.

I knew as soon as i saw this lipstick that it was going to be a beauty. A seriously bright shocking pink/coral shade that cannot fail to stand out in the crowd.
I picked this shade for a night out on the town and i have been wearing it even since.

I picked mine up in boots for just £6 or you can order it on line here. I cant wait to try more colours in this formula I've got my eye on orangeade which is a bright orange colour. Roll over MAC xx