
Saturday 17 March 2012

Skincare Rave Review!

I'm really really excited about today's post! It's very rare that a product comes along now days that blows my socks off but in the last 10 days or so i have totally changed my skincare routine and have had amazing results.
For the last few months my skin has been very bad with constant breakouts, blocked pores and those horrible spots that feel like lumps under the skin. A weekly Korres mask did seem to be helping but i was really getting fed up of always trying to cover my skin up and trying so many different products which just didn't seem to be helping.

So i decided it was time to go back to basics. I decided to throw my huge skincare bag of products in a hidden drawer and use just 2 products on my skin and see what happened. I chose

I have read up on simplifying skincare and the fact that skin can feel overloaded with different products especially synthetic ingredients, fragrances etc and so i choose particularly gentle, natural products.

Li Ban Simplicity Facial bar is a hand made soap which is made with an oil maceration using organic calendula and essential oils of lavender and tee tree. It also contains green argilez clay for cleansing properties and aloe vera which is known for its soothing and calming effect on the skin.

The bar lathers up to a lovely creamy feeling soap. I have been using this twice a day and really massaging well around the nose and chin (my problem areas) 
It leaves my skin feeling amazingly clean and soft. I don't think id get away without a moisturiser after using this but it works amazingly well on my skin. Its very thorough at deep cleansing and soothing at the same time which is difficult to find in a product.

Within 2 days my skin was looking better and 10 days later my skin is transformed. All my spots have gone, i have no lumps under my skin, i still have some blackheads although they do look smaller. I have some marks where the spots have been but my skin looks 110% better. I cannot rave enough about this soap. 

If you have problem skin then id urge you to give this a try, its less than half the price of my usual cleansers and i can honestly say nothing has been so effective so quickly.

I will write a separate review on the korres wild rose 24hr moisturiser as its again a beautiful product and i want to make sure i cover it in detail.

I wish id taken before and after photographs of my skin to show you the difference but to be honest i didn't want anyone to see my skin before as it looked horrible. What a difference a soap can make!

Li Ban Ireland are known for the stunning soaps with beautiful marbled tops. Take a look at these beauties, available from the online website here


  1. This is a lovely review! :)
    Must give this a try as well as I have exactly the same problem as you.

  2. Lovely review Nicoletta, thank you so much. I am thrilled that your skin is clearing up and that Simplicity Deep Cleanse is working for you.

  3. The facial bar looks worth a go. Where do you get it from?

  4. Thanks girls , Caroline there is a link to the website just above the last picture. It's an online shop x

  5. The soaps look brilliant, I do love the face cream, Roase has amazing properties and I swear by it!

  6. I have KORRES rose serum and it's love, leave my skin so smooth! I love how their products are natural. You should try their Quercetin & Oak night cream, it's definitely THE best night cream I've used ever!

  7. Really Gaby thanks for that i will ave to try it :)

  8. My skin the last few months has become very troublesome, and I said I was going to keep things simple and see how it helps, but I've been too tempted to try certain treatments etc, seeing the success you've had (just saw your foundation free post) really just spurs me on to really commit to it. Thanks for sharing! The soap interests me but I also worry that they can be to drying. How would you generally describe your skin type?x

  9. Hi nic, thanks for your comment. My skin is combination. Oily t zone and normal cheeks x

    1. Thanks for the reply :) Same as mine then- think I'm going to purchase both. x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx