
Monday 26 March 2012

Foundation Free!

The sun is shining and my basic skin care routine seems to be working great still :) So today i am foundation free. In fact for the last week or so i have not worn foundation most days and enjoying the fresh faced feel.

My skin has never looked better and i cant believe how fast i have gone from spotty to glowy with just two products. If you missed my skincare post its here .
I have been using just 2 products lately and am thrilled with the results.
Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine xxx


  1. Well done you :) now that the sun is coming out a bit more, I think it's definitely a good time to be glowy instead of caked in make-up! xxx

  2. You look great wish I could look so good foundation free :D x

  3. you look amazing!! never wear foundation again you dont need it!xx

  4. You have such beautiful skin lady! I really love the sound of the facial bar you've been using! xx

  5. Your skin is beautiful!

    My skin is a million times better than it was, but I'm still not sure I can pluck up the courage to go foundation free just yet xxx

  6. Beautiful skin. It would be a crime to cover that up with foundation!! x

  7. ur skin looks amazing! Even skin tone and all.. Ima go read that skincare post again =p

  8. Yay, your skin looks amazing, Nicoletta. Certainly no need for foundation.

  9. Thanks so much everyone :)xx

  10. You look so radiant! Glowing nicely! xxx

  11. Your skin looks amazing.

  12. I simplified my skin care and saw a huge change as well. I use a soap bar for the face w/ charcoal and then a simple mineral moisturizer, plus an eye cream -- no toners, special day or night creams, no spot treatments, etc. I saw a big difference and came to really believe in the power of my skin's ability to regulate and heal itself.

    I still get tiny spots but I think that portion comes down to diet. (I don't eat dairy due to sensitivity and no seafood due to preference.) I have let my guard down on some of the things I eat, indulging in sweeties and sodas and fats, and I can see that in my skin. So I've made the decision to cut out the sodas, cut out the meats, and go back to eating a diet high in organic food with fruits, veggies, meat-alternatives (tofu & seitan), drink more water and tea and coconut beverages. Hopefully this change will help even further not only with my skin's health but overall health as well. :-)

  13. Thanks everyone for all your comments :)
    Mandy its amazing what a difference various factors do to alter the skins condition isnt it. Sounds like you are really dedicated to being healthy x

  14. You look amazing. I wish I could be parted from my foundation and look as good as you. Going to read your skincare post and see if I can go foundation free too *gulping*. xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx