
Monday 23 January 2012

Valentines Sugar Cube Gift Idea!

Hi Ladies, I'm really excited about this cute idea which i stumbled across while looking for wedding favours for my friend and i thought these would be a lovely gift idea for Valentines Day.

 Hand made sugar cubes!

All you need is caster sugar, a touch of food colouring, a mould of some kind or an ice cube tray and the tiniest amount of water

Basically pour out the sugar into a bowl add a tiny amount amount of water you only need about 1 teaspoon for a full cup of sugar and mix really well. If the sugar is too wet it wont work. Add a dot of food colouring and mix in well. Other pastel shades look really pretty too but i only had pink :)

 You want the sugar to look like the above photo it does not look wet but it sticks together a little if you pinch it.

Press the sugar into the mould and press it down really hard with clean fingers or the back of a teaspoon
Carefully turn the mould upside down onto tinfoil and carefully tap the mould to release the shapes. ( If you have trouble then wipe the inside of the moulds with cooking oil to give them a helping hand.
Leave to air dry for about 10 hrs or overnight. 

Da Daaar 
Pretty Sugar Lumps which would be perfect for a cuppa in bed on Valentines day or just as a little surprise for someone.

I also made some with ice cube trays and popped a little sugar heart (The type that go on cupcakes) into the base before i pressed the sugar in and these are just as pretty in my opinion and i thought a lot of you will have an ice cube tray laying about.

I think its a great little project to do with the kids too, I'm sure little girls would love making these and they literally cost just pennies :)

If you give these a go let me know how you get on? Thanks for reading xx


  1. OMG! These are amazing! Brilliant idea. X

  2. Such a cute and easy idea! Might try this out! x

  3. Awh I've seen these on Pinterest and keep meaning to have a go, glad they turned out all right!


  4. These are so cute! Was going to buy some of these for my wedding next year but will have a go at making them now :)

  5. These are so cute! Really have to try these out xx

  6. Wow, this is the cutest (and simplest) idea ever. I'm gonna give it a shot!

  7. That is the cutest thing i have ever seen. So simple and so easy. I will have to give it ago. Where can you get the little heart trays from?

    Im having a blog sale

  8. Thanks everyone :) you can get the little heart shaped moulds from eBay x

  9. What an adorable idea! Love this


  10. Those are soooo cute and lovely! Thanks for this Nikki xx

  11. Those sugar cubes are just adorable! I would love to make some!

    Have you heard about the Valentine's Blog Swap? Would love you to sign up!

  12. This is SUCH a cute idea! I absolutely love it :).


  13. Awesome !! just awesome will be definitely a great gift ..such a great idea indeed .. i used to send Pakistan gifts itx better too :)


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx