
Monday 30 January 2012

Last Weeks Beauty Buzz!

Wow i am so behind on blogging so sorry ladies but life has just been so busy this last week or so. I thought id do a quick post just to tell you of all my beauty things that Ive been using last week and i will post properly about them as soon as i get a chance.

So firstly i got my Halo extensions for my hair. All i can say is OMG they are amazing. Why nobody has ever thought of the halo concept before is beyond me. The clear band is totally invisible and they are amazingly comfortable and secure to wear. They are my new best friend.

I have been really busy with the Marshmallow Blends products that i make. Last week was my busiest week so far on the website and I'm still creating lots of new ideas and recipes. This is my Pink Sugar Bath bomb which was made a couple of days ago. I knew id find the perfect use for my hand made pink sugar cubes :)

I tried and fell in love with the Korres  Rose Wood Blackcurrant Cyclamen fragrance. Just in times for valentines day. I don't often rave about perfumes but this is so unique and beautiful. Ive been wearing it daily, sometimes even twice a day which is unheard of for me.

I also Discovered the shade Grandma in the OCC lip tars. I created a FOTD using this which i will show you later in the week. Its a stunning coral, peachy red shade which will amazing with a tan.

Whilst rushing about in our local town this little beauty caught my eye on a little market stall so i had to pick it up. This nail polish cost just £2.99 from W7 and is a complete bargain, full of dazzle. I cant wait to try it but lack of time means my nails are bare at the moment :(

I have also got some gorgeous LUSH Valentines products to show you and i also received my glossy box today so its been an exciting week or so for me beauty wise. Sorry its short and sweet. Let me know what you would like to see more of first? xxx

Thursday 26 January 2012

BM Beauty Lash Curling Mascara!

I love a good Mascara, my lashes are really short, stubby and fine so mascara is a must have product in my makeup routine. 

Recently i had the chance to try out the BM Beauty Lash Curling Mascara in Black and i wanted to show you the results.

The Mascara itself is infused with minerals and contains Beeswax, sunflower oil and vitamin E. 
I always like to know whats in my products and this one luckily contains lots of natural, good for you skin friendly stuff.
The wand is a nice size and slightly tapered towards the end. I found it easy to control and managed to get a good full coating without any smudging.

Scary photo of my eye with zero mascara

Eyes with 2 coats of BM Beauty Mascara

I did find it curled my lashes nicely and the curl did last well. I would use this mascara for daytime use as it didn't have much thickening action going on but it did dramatically darken the lashes as the colour is a true dark black and it did make my lashes appear longer. 
I am really impressed by the results on my lower lashes as it seems to have separated them and made them look a lot more defined.

Overall i like this mascara and lets be honest if it does this to my feeble lashes then I'm sure it will look fantastic on most people.

Priced at £12 and available directly from the BM Beauty Website here

Monday 23 January 2012

Valentines Sugar Cube Gift Idea!

Hi Ladies, I'm really excited about this cute idea which i stumbled across while looking for wedding favours for my friend and i thought these would be a lovely gift idea for Valentines Day.

 Hand made sugar cubes!

All you need is caster sugar, a touch of food colouring, a mould of some kind or an ice cube tray and the tiniest amount of water

Basically pour out the sugar into a bowl add a tiny amount amount of water you only need about 1 teaspoon for a full cup of sugar and mix really well. If the sugar is too wet it wont work. Add a dot of food colouring and mix in well. Other pastel shades look really pretty too but i only had pink :)

 You want the sugar to look like the above photo it does not look wet but it sticks together a little if you pinch it.

Press the sugar into the mould and press it down really hard with clean fingers or the back of a teaspoon
Carefully turn the mould upside down onto tinfoil and carefully tap the mould to release the shapes. ( If you have trouble then wipe the inside of the moulds with cooking oil to give them a helping hand.
Leave to air dry for about 10 hrs or overnight. 

Da Daaar 
Pretty Sugar Lumps which would be perfect for a cuppa in bed on Valentines day or just as a little surprise for someone.

I also made some with ice cube trays and popped a little sugar heart (The type that go on cupcakes) into the base before i pressed the sugar in and these are just as pretty in my opinion and i thought a lot of you will have an ice cube tray laying about.

I think its a great little project to do with the kids too, I'm sure little girls would love making these and they literally cost just pennies :)

If you give these a go let me know how you get on? Thanks for reading xx

Friday 20 January 2012

Bright Eyes!

I was recently looking back over some old photos and noticed that my eye makeup looked quite nice in some of the photos. It was then that it struck me that these days i have turned back into the neutral girl. 

For some reason i have either been wearing just mascara and liner lately or a very neutral brown eyeshadow.
Partially because of lack of time and partially because I've just got into that habit. 

So I'm going to force myself to wear something different at least once a week after all i have some gorgeous shadows just sitting there so its time to get creative again. 
Here are a few of my previous looks that i really liked:

Are you a neutral eyed kind of girl or do you like to mix your shadows up?

Tuesday 17 January 2012

A Day In The Life Of A Cake Maker! (Guest Post)

A little while ago i came across a Facebook Page that really caught my eye. Its no secret that i love the odd cupcake and Nylah's page had me drooling at every photo.
The thing i found particularly intriguing is the fact that Nylah's Cupcakes specialises in Low Fat Cupcakes. All that delicious flavour but less calories than your traditional Cupcake. Which is a brilliant idea.
So I asked Nylah if she would like to write a little post about a day in her world:

7 days to make a wedding cake with only “I like chocolate” to go on... GO! As a result of only having 7 days to do it in, it means I have free play on the design – YEAHY my favourite! (This was confirmed by the bride) However this also means I have to make the perfect three tiered wedding cake, with perfect decorations, for a bride who wants everything perfect for her perfect wedding day… IN 7 DAYS!!!!! 
Don’t get me wrong – I’m excited, BUT I have never done it before. Usually I have months to research, sketch, send emails and phone calls back and forth about the finer details of the cakes and cupcakes. Not this time. 

To break it down – I have 3 fair trade chocolate cakes to mix, bake, cool and slice in to two. Vanilla buttercream icing to make. Then layer each slice of cake with buttercream and strategically stack and cover in fondant. I have to think about, sketch and make the decorations. OH and put it all together, take pictures (of course) and deliver it for the bride and groom for their big special day.
This…with a 15 month old son who only wants to run around talk and scream to random objects in the house, touch things he should not be touching, scribble on stuff, throw things around and climb on to everything. Not to mention the fact that he managed to unscrew his highchair earlier last week.
5 days of full on work with 2 days to wait for things to cool and set later – this is what I came up with.

Luckily the bride and groom were pleased and had a brilliant wedding day. 

 Thanks so Much to Nylah for writing this post and you can see her yummy cakes over on her Facebook page here. Which includes some of my favourites that i have taken a shine too (Don't look if you are hungry girls)

Cupcake heaven :) 
P.S Sorry to all of those who are on a diet this January but i just couldn't resist xxx