
Monday 19 December 2011

Xmas in our house!

Wow i cant believe Xmas is so close now. I thought I'd share a few pics of my decorations this year.
I have a mix of traditional looking festive things for the kids in one room and in the other i have a more contemporary look.

Gingerbread Man!

This big old snowman is a favourite with kids :)

On the fireplace in the main room i decorated with fairy lights and silvers and pinks

The run up to Xmas has been very hectic here but i have just about finished all the shopping and sent the cards so only the wrapping to be done and then i can relax with a big glass of something fizzy :)
Are you all ready for the big day?


  1. wow, very pretty Christmas ornaments ^_^. I love this time of the month!

  2. I so love to see all the Christmassy posts in my reader it's an amazing time of the year ! I love your decorations ESP the gingerbread man!

  3. So much cute going on here! I want to steal your gingerbread man and the pink glittery dove ^__^


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx