
Friday 30 December 2011

New Year Resolutions!

Hi lovely ladies, hope you have all been enjoying the Xmas break.
I must say sorry for the lack of posts but things will be back to normal after new year. Anyway I've been thinking about 2012 and what it will bring with it.
New years resolutions last year was to learn to drive and have i done it NO (Hangs head in shame)

 This year my resolutions are:
1. Learn to drive. This is a must do.
2. Become more organised. As i am getting busier and busier I'm finding it very stressful to find things when i need them as I'm so unorganised so i will be getting organised by decluttering my clothes, office and kitchen especially.
3. Lose the weight i have put on these past 5 months. I am a bridesmaid in the spring and i need to fit in that dress lol.

So that's my rundown of things i must achieve next year. Of course there are plenty of others id like to do but i think if i keep it short its more obtainable :)

I hope you all have a brilliant new year and thanks so much to everybody who has followed me last year and commenting and chatting. You are all Amazing xxxx

What are your resolutions for 2012?


  1. Omg my resolution last year was to learn to drive and I never. Its a must this year and defo gona happen coz im getting lessons for my bday in feb EEEK. Good luck hun, I also wouldnt mind shifting a few pounds x x

  2. My New Years resolution is to THROW AWAY old makeup! Ever notice the symbol of an open jar on most beauty products? It indicates the number of months until it expires...Once Opened. Now that I've gotten new makeup for the holidays, I want to avoid spreading bacteria from aged contaminated beauty products. I vow to use my new Once Opened Beauty Expiration Kit to mark cosmetics with date I open. Self laminating labels are the solution and protect the date from oils in makeup- love the life expectancy guide and the packing is divine!

  3. Lose weight -I'm a bridesmaid too in July!

  4. Well,I want to get my drivers license and finish my studies and maybe travel around Europe x

    Have a happy&blessed new year hun,look forward to more of ur posts

  5. haha just did a post on this!

    The usual! Get fit, get sorted and have fun!


  6. Very nice blog. Happy new year

  7. Happy New Year! I'm going on a juice diet in the New Year because I'm a bride in April. One of my resolutions is to organise and USE the makeup I have spread all over the house, as it's a nightmare trying to find everything. x

  8. Great resolutions! I really need to work out my own. Good luck with the wedding!


  9. A big one for me is to get my driver license.I need to pass those two tests.Great post I hope you achive everything you want too.

  10. Hi, From Melbourne Australia!

    Just discovered your blog and love it! You're resolutions are great! I need to loose at least 10kg because I am a bridesmaid in May!

    Here's my resolutions!

    Happy New Year! I look forward to reading your posts!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx