
Monday 14 November 2011

Where has Mirror Mirror On The Wall Gone?

Hi Ladies, this is just a quick blog post to let you know that the lovely Sherrie Of Mirror Mirror On The Wall has changed over to Word Press and as a result her blog (Now renamed Beauty in the Mirror) is not showing up on your timelines.

So i know like me, you wont want to miss out on any of her fab posts so just nip over to her new website Beauty in the Mirror which looks amazing, where she tells you how to get her back on your timeline which only takes a minute to do :)

Sherrie is one of my all time favourite bloggers so if you didn't already follower her blog then now is your chance.


  1. Thanks so much for this Nicoletta! You are amazing :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. That's great! Thanks for sharing! Gotta follow her :)

  3. Sherrie you are welcome and thanks girls for commenting x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx