
Thursday 6 October 2011

Sleek Moonlit Metals EOTD!

Sleek's molten Metal eyeshadow duo has hit the counters. I'm not really a cream eyeshadow girl but i have to say i really love this one. Perfect for the party season and adding some eye catching drama to your makeup.

Molten Metal Duo RRP £6.99



This silver duo of Steel & Ash is a gorgeous combination and really looks quite dramatic in real life. The creams are highly pigment and smooth to apply.

As they are a cream they will not last all day without creasing but do i care? Not really :)

I'm now hoping for a fancy dress Xmas party where i can go as an ice queen, this would be perfect.
Have you seen these in your local Superdrug? Do you like the metallic look?


  1. I spotted these recently but creasing really bugs me in eye make-up! Unless it's which case I usually use grease paints instead (better pigmentation). Nice shades, though!

  2. Absolutely love these colours, wish they were available in a powder though :) Jude xx @jadlgw

  3. I really want these to use as a base- I can imagine how amazing it would look to use the Bad Girl palette over the top

  4. I can't wait to pick this up when I'm in town tomorrow. Such a good release - will look amazing with blue!


  5. Gorgeous! I wish Sleek was more accessible in Canada.

  6. Ahhh I love the look of the darker one! *steals*

  7. gah i wish we had sleek here in the states! so many fab products

    Vonnie of

  8. Woww both the shades are gorgeous <3

  9. I need to pick these up. I much prefer cream eyeshadows, just prefer the way they look. But the creasing does get annoying at times!

  10. I don't care much for cream shadows, but these colors are awesome! Great for a "winter wonderland" look :)

  11. Ooooh, this looks gorgeous! I boought the gold version from a blog sale a while back and absolutely love it. Had no idea Sleek were even releasing a silver version so thats just one more thing I have to add to my shopping list :)

    It looks lovely on you cos the shades make your eyes look extra bright and although the swatches look seriously bright n eye catching I think the finished look is really subtle and pretty

    Have you tried the Sleek foundation yet? every time I'm in Superdrug I consider buying a bottle but I'm watching the pennies at the min (not that you'd be able to tell!) and don't wanna buy it cos I haven't come across any reviews yet ♥

  12. Thanks everyone, ive heard they have sold out in a lot of places which is a shame.

    Joy: Sorry for this late reply and thanks for the comment. I have not tried the sleek foundation yet either, its one of those things that i have been umming and ahh ing over for ages, im a bit worried about colour matching in superdrug as the lighting is so bright in there.
    I have read a few reviews a couple of rave ones and 1 that wasn't so positive?

  13. This looks great it reminds me of the Illamasqua metal cream type stuff


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx