
Wednesday 28 September 2011

Mid Week Moments!

Morning lovelies, I can't believe it's Wednesday already, this week is flying by for me. 
This week so far i have been:

Burning my Pumpkin Apple Butter Wax tarts which smell amazing. (Not long till Halloween)

Slathering on my hand made body butters so i can test them out and see how well they perform. My new favourite is Hazelnut it smells gorgeous and perfect for Autumn/Winter

 Living in my furry boot slippers. I love comfort and warmth and these are perfect.

Drinking big mugs of coffee in even bigger cups.

Treating my hair to some TLC as the ends are looking a bit dry.

Wondering if i will ever save enough in this little pot for a new pair of Uggs.

What have you been up to this week?


  1. Great post. Love the look of your body butters, they sound amazing. How do u make them? x

  2. Oh, I would love to have a hazelnut scented body butter! Yum :)

  3. Thanks ladies :)

    missmascara1983 you buy all the ingredients and melt and mix and add fragrance/colour. Basically you make it from scratch like any company would but obviously in much smaller amounts.
    This one contains shea butter, cocoa butter, almond oil, coconut oil etc xx

  4. Wow sounds fab, you should do a post about them (sorry if you already have!) xx

  5. Lovely post! I would love a new pair of uggs too, I've had mine for years now :(. Love the pumpkins! x

  6. Hello lovely, ha i have done a little post but i am still in the process of making them and testing at the moment so all will be revealed once i have got a bit further along. I'm glad you like the look of them xx

    Stacey, ive had mine years too but i want some chocolate brown ones this year. Why do they have to be so blimmin expensive?

  7. I love pumpkins and think they look so pretty on the kitchen ledge. Only thing is my 3 year old keeps pinching them as he's taken a shine to them too xx

  8. you are so talented Nic, the body butter looks so nice, but how did you make it?

  9. The Pumpkin Apple Butter Wax tarts look great! xx

  10. Lovely post!!
    I have one of those pots of dreams too :) xxx

  11. So excited to learn more about your handmade cosmetics! I wouldn't even know where to start so I can't imagine the work you've put into it :)


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  12. Excited for when you start selling your cosmetics! How exciting! I live in slippers too. I go through them so quickly! xx

  13. Those pumpkin candles are adorable! I hope I can find me something like them!

  14. It's starting to heat up here in Australia, but I'm still jealous of that luscious looking body butter and the pumpkin melts! I'm gonna go get myself a big coffee right now :3

  15. I love posts like this one, so interesting to see what people have been up to :) I can't believe you make your own body butter, that's soo cool! I wish I had a hazelnut one. Great post <3

  16. Your spending spree jar is soooo cute!!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx