
Friday 26 August 2011

Where's your hair now!

Hello my lovely readers, Today i am in a really chirpy mood, probably due to the fact that tomorrow i am heading off on a weeks holiday to Newquay.
I am really not prepared so the rest of the day will be spent frantically packing and then panicking thinking Ive forgot things ha.

Tonight i need to colour my hair as its looking a bit dull and the dark roots are not a good look. I thought I'd have a look back at the various stages of my hair to see how they compare:

Becoming a teenager and the cult of the perm lured me into this shaggy dog perm with a fringe. My preferred style for everyday was the sides pulled up in a high pony tail. I don't know my exact age here but I'm probably about 14.

This next photo is one that i really hated at the time but now i just look back and smile. I don't know what happened, a mix of puppy fat, extra pale foundation and a nearly black hair colour left me looking like this :) I was about 16/17 going on 30.

Fast forward about 10 years and my hair was longish black with extensions and a few white blond additions ( I don't know why i thought this was a good look but i did )

A few years on and i had my youngest son. I decided i wanted a drastic change so went for highlights and lots of them. I didn't keep this for long as it just looked ashy as you can see from the photo.

However it didn't put me off colour and i just had different warmer colours put through my hair and a long sweeping fringe.

Then i grew the fringe out and wore clip in extensions for a while as i had a fair amount of hair cut off due to damage from all that colour.

By the time i got married i decided to go back dark with a sweeping fringe and i also wore clip in extensions which i curled in with my hair. I just felt more like me this colour and style.

Not long after i went for the full on fringe look. I quite like my hair like this but it was a pain to have to style my fringe every morning and have it cut every 3 weeks.

So i clipped my fringe back while i grew it out to a long sweeping side fringe that i could easily tie back when i wanted.

Then i went to the salon and had it coloured Red. I really love this colour now and i think it is much warmer looking than any of the other colours that i have had. I also look after my hair so much more these days which I'm sure helps keep it shiny.

Unfortunately for me the upkeep of the roots every 6 weeks is just too much for me so I'm having a go at colouring it myself. Eeeek.

I have to say i love my hair this colour and i cant imagine going back dark now. My next mission is to get some great hair extensions that clip in and colour them to match my hair. I will probably use these when my hair is straight and needs a bit of thickness adding.
Hope you all have a great week and i cant wait to catch up when i get back xx


  1. I can't believe how you've changed over the years! I love your hair now :)

    Sarah xx

  2. I love reading hair stories! I was a 'permette' of the 90's but no fringe here. I used to backcomb mine and used half a can of Silverkrin hair spray LOL! You have changed but still look amazing! I love your hair on the wedding picture, you look so beautiful! Mel xxxx

  3. Your hair now is gorgeous, but I love the full fringe it makes you look about 15!
    The 2nd pic doesn't even look like you and you look younger now than then!

  4. You look so beautiful on your wedding photo! I really love the full fringe aswell! Red and dark brown suit you so well!:D xxx

  5. You're so so pretty!! :o) x

  6. okay you are the female Benjamin Button you get younger looking with every year haha! You really suit a full fringe and your current hair colouring is lovelyyy! xx

  7. What an amazing post! I LOVE hair stories :)
    My fave is definitely the dark with the fringe and the red suits you well!
    You're such a beauty!

  8. Thanks so much everyone xx

    Adrienne that made me giggle the female version of Benjamin Button :)xx

  9. Love this! Have to agree with the others that have said that you are looking younger with each passing year, but totally disagree about the fringe, I think it hides your fantastic brows which frame and give emphasis to your beautiful eyes so for me the last photo is the most gorgeous one! And the red hair colour with your skin tone is beyond stunning. xx

  10. You look GORGEOUS in your wedding! Lol Adrienne make me lol, very true though you look longer each photo! Am very jealous of your red hair, I hope the dying goes well :)

  11. this was such a pleasure to read. I love every single bit of your hair journey. of course i prefer your current hair colour and style now, for sentimental reasons: this is the style you have when i 'met you'. but if i had to choose another one, i'd say the one with the fringe would you believe. Although you look way too naughty there and asking for trouble haha x

  12. I love these posts, it is such a joy and priviledge to have an insight into someone's life through photos, thank you so much for sharing these. As for a favourite, hhmmmmm all I can say is that in the photos where your fringe is away from your face completely you look about 14! Jan x

  13. Swit-swoo you gorgeous flower! Loved this post, and you're a sex bomb with dark hair and fringes, a complete stunner! xoxo

  14. ur hair colour is lovely
    enjoy your holiday :)
    Breezeybee Blog

  15. Thats an amazing transformation. My hair has changed so much too. Love your current look so much though xx

  16. LOVE your red hair, suits you sooo much x x

  17. I wish I had all the photos from my hair over the years. It's always funny to see what you thought was the bomb at the time only to look at it with older eyes and cringe. I had realised you were so adventurous!

  18. the bangs/fringes look lovely on you!

  19. Such a cute post. You look lovely and I especially love your hair now.

  20. Wow your hair looks gorgeous red! I love looking at photos at how people have changed except for my own becasue they just make me cringe!


  21. Eeek thanks so much everyone xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx