
Sunday 21 August 2011

Sunday Challenge Request!

The other day Liloo requested that i do a bit of a Rock Chick look and although i am getting on a bit to be rocking this look i thought why the hell not.  I'm always up for a challenge.

So just for fun i tried to look stern and get in the zone to look like a bad assed Rock Chick ha.

Heavy eyes with Mac Blackground paint pot and a blend of dark purple & Grey

Sleek Contour palette ( I have cheekbones hidden in there somewhere )

Clinique Nude Lipstick

I have serious flashback face on these photos. I'm not that pale honestly!

Hahaha it doesn't look that bold in the photos but in real life the eyes look a lot lot darker. Hmmm think i need to play around with the settings on my camera.
I had fun doing this, it makes a nice change to do something a bit tongue in cheek. Any other requests just let me know and check out the lovely blogger who asked for this look here xx


  1. You suit this look so much! It would look great on a night out! x

  2. Omg, love, love, love, thank you so much for doing this. You were born to wear this, it suits you so well. Blended to perfection, yet delightfully dark, I am so happy, Aww and you did the posing and the hair and everything :) thank you so much. This really helps me, I dont have hazel eyes like you, but I do have brown eyes and it gives me confidence to try and wear a black lid. I am going to try anyway to play anyway. I hope you had fun playing as much as I loved reading this xx have a lovely bad ass Sunday xx

  3. Love it - it really looks great. I hope Liloo does a look too. Jan x

  4. This rock stick i-might-bite-your-head-off look actually suits you, rawrrr hahaha

  5. I like the dark eyes and the nice peachy look of the lips.The entire look is great.It is essential to know which one of the eyes or lips to exaggerate and emphasize and get the better of your looks.

  6. Very pretty - I love it!

    -Candice :)

  7. what is the other eye shadow you used?

  8. GORGEOUS! Really sexy! Love it!!

  9. That looks awesome! I've always wanted to do something like that and you rock it.

  10. Really nice hun, you rock this look haha x

  11. Great post! I want the sleek contour palette! I must get that soon! I would like to invite you to check out my newest giveaway PrettyinPigment Giveaway


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx