
Friday 19 August 2011

Lush Charlotte Island Review!

I don't know about you girls but if I'm going out somewhere and showing off my legs i always feel better with a bit of a tan. I usually have applied fake tan before hand but it's always nice to give it that extra bit of a boost. I've not really tried a lot of wash off tanners simply because I'm always scared they might rub off on my clothes so this was a bit of a first for me.

Lush Charlotte Island Body Tint (£5.25 for 100g / £10.50 for 250g)

The lotion itself smells gorgeous which is most likely due to the fact that it contains lashings of Cocoa Butter and Aloe Vera to Moisturise and soothe the skin as well as a bit of a shimmer which is really flattering.

The colour looks really dark in the bottle but once its blended in it is quite subtle and just gives a healthy look to the skin but takes it up a shade or two.


The test for me was applying it on my legs when wearing this white dress and i am pleased to say that it didn't rub off at all so i am pretty impressed and can see me using this a lot when i go out.

Charlotte Island can be used on any part of the body and Ive even had a few people tell me that they use it on there face. So great for holidays or makeup free days when you want a bit of a glow.
Also a great product for helping to cover thread veins and blemishes and even out any redness on the skin.
I'm actually kicking myself for not trying this before now.
Have you used this product before and if not are you tempted to give it a go?


  1. I haven't but it sounds like something I would really like.

  2. looks good, does it have much shimmer tho ?
    have tried fake bake perfection, not bad jst not sure about colour.
    also I am curious about what skincare you use ?

  3. Ive never even heard of it before! I used to live in Lush. Bet mine doesnt even bother selling it since everyone here has never seen sun before ;) haha.

  4. Y I was the same until i tried this but i really like it xx

    Anonymous It only has a very slight shimmer its not noticable unless you are studying it close up so very flattering, more like a sheen.
    My skincare changes a lot but i will do an updated post on what im using right now very soon as my skin is better now than it has been in years, thanks for asking xx

    Georgia thanks for your comment, i had not noticed this in my lush store before either lol. I bet on fair skin it would just give a hint of colour as well it would be interesting to see xx

  5. I keep meaning to try this but I will try to remember to pick a bottle up next time I'm in town now - it looks lovely on you!
    How long would you say the bottle would last, roughly? Sorry if that's a difficult question! :S


  6. Cool product! :) indeed it's awesome on your legs!

  7. I'm ashamed to say that I've never looked at this in Lush!! This is the latest post I've read on it, so I must get a bottle for myself! It looks great on you - really natural & glowing x Hope it doesn't make me look like an Oompa Lumpa!! ;)

  8. Hi Jesss, if you are just using it on your legs i would say at least20 applications i only used a very small amount although its hard to guess if you used it all over xx

    Thanks Daphyin :)

    Catherine ha im sure you wont end up looking like an Oompa Lumpa. XX

  9. I haven't heard of it before, would like to try it, thanks for letting me know about it :)



Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx