
Wednesday 24 August 2011

If at first you dont succeed!

As the saying goes if at first you don't succeed try and try again! I often use this motto when applying makeup.
Take this morning for instance i tried a purple and white eyeshadow look with deep pink lips but it just didn't suit me so i ended up applying a grey colour on top and then a bit of black in the corners of my eyes. Then i put a really pale lippy over the bright one to tone it down a bit and when I'd finished i really liked the end result.

Prestige petulant rose looked too deep so i added Barry m 101 over the top

Hair left messy with a good spray of hairspray 

I thought it was quite funny that my eyeshadow seemed to go particularly well with my latest nail polish from Leighton Denny Leading Lilac. Which i really love.
Thanks so much to the lovely Jan from Beauty Diarist as she kindly sent me it :)

So my question is if it all goes wrong do you try and try again till you end up with a result that you like?


  1. Love this look, you look beautiful. I like layering lippies too sometimes and that nail polish is really nice xx

  2. Very pretty, lovely look. The varnish colour is fab. I never wear lippy, maybe I should experiment?

  3. You look absolutely gorgeous. This whole look is beautiful. Beauty is definitely about trial and error! xxx

  4. Indeed the final look is very beautiful! Yep 'keep on trying' :) a helpful motto!

  5. So pretty! Sometimes with makeup adding that one extra thing pulls the look look gorgeous!

  6. omg nicoletta nicoletta, this eye makeup look is divine. but you cant just not tell us what eyeshadow you used. leading lilac was the perfect choice to compliment this look. lovely lilac letta xx

  7. This is such a gorgeous look! I ALWAYS layer lipsticks! xxx

  8. Yes I do, blend a bit, add a bit, keep going til it doesnt look scary! You of course, look beautiful!

  9. Great look hun! And I love your nails. =)

  10. Beautiful Make-up and those nails are TDF! Good advice on the try try again, I sometimes do if I have the patience and time but other times I'm a little lack lustre. xx :o)

  11. love the eye make-up, it looks gorgeous xx

  12. I adore the nail colour, they look fab! your makeup is always so flawless, I am totally envious of the amazing finish you always seem to achieve! xx

  13. The nail varnish looks fab - I am so glad you like it - it compliments the whole look - I have complete eye/nail envy. Jan x

  14. Lovely pictures hun, you look gorgeous!

    Sarah xx

  15. Aww thanks so much ladies

    Liloo I didnt write down the eyeshadows as there are about 4 different ones just blended on top of each other. Technical i know ha

    I've just been looking at the photos and laughing to myself as im wearing my fluffy dressing gown too much lately in my FOTD. I must make an effort to get dressed next time before i get the camera out,

    Also meant to say the polish is on its 3rd day and still looking fab. Big thumbs up for Leighton Denny polishes.

    As always thanks for all your comments girlies xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx