
Wednesday 15 June 2011

Beauty Counters friend or foe!

I thought I'd write a little post about beauty counters in general. Its amazing how many times Ive heard people say I'd like a sample of foundation from x but i don't know how to ask or I'm too scared to approach.
What a shame.

I worked on the clinique counter for quite a few years and so can see both sides of the coin so to speak. So i thought I'd put together a few little pointers on asking for samples.

* Don't be afraid to approach a counter, the girls are there to help

* Counters only get a limited number of samples so if they say they don't have any then don't think they just wont give you one :)

* Never just ask do you have any free samples? This will just make the girls think you want a freebie with no intention to buy.

* If you want to try a new foundation ask them if they would mind colour matching you and if you can take a sample to try for yourself.

* Ask to be put on your favourite counters mailing list. That way you get special offers in the post and notifications for new products and sometimes samples.

* If you like a particular counter try to shop at the same one so the girls get to know you. It's like using the same hairdresser, a good counter girl will know what types of products you might be interested in and they tend to look after there regulars.

If you see something coming out in a magazine that you like the look of there is a good chance there will be samples available as new products often have a sample launch. Cut out the cutting and take with you so a) you remember what the product is and b) It shows you are genuinely interested.

Now lets flip the coin and tell you what i would see most days working on the counter.

Lots of requests for free samples from women that would go round every counter trying to get anything free. These ladies would never buy anything from any given counter and would either give the freebies away as gifts or use them themselves and when they run out ask for more. Or worse still sell them on ebay. lol. Sad but true.

I have also approached a few high end counters and been spoken to very rudely before and had people look down there noses at me. It's a shame that 1 or 2 bad counter girls give the rest of them such a bad name as one bad experience that makes a customer feel intimidated can put you off for life.

How to deal with an over pushy sales assistant?

We all know the type, " let me just show you this new product, its amazing, here let me just try this on your face, sit down "
I find a firm no thank you and a smile works wonders and never offends.

Working on a beauty counter highs and lows

Highs:  being surrounded by beauty products, being able to play with the products and do makeovers on people. I loved working with products i believed in and working with other like minded girls.
I loved finding out about the latest products and i loved training days and i loved the free products we got at launches and a big monthly discount :)

Lows: Having set targets and pressure to sell. This was the worst thing about the job, no sales assistant wants to be pushy but sometimes we were really stressed by pressure to sell. Standing up all day long. Cleaning the counter was a boring job and had to be done daily. Rude customers who we had to be polite to.

Saying all that, i loved working on the counter and it gave me some great experience.

I'd love to know your thoughts on approaching counters, do you find the assistants friendly or do you avoid them at all costs?


  1. i hear you I work this but with perfume! I hate being pushy so I'm not luckily we usually hit target so I don't have to! If soembody comes in and asks for a sampes (you can tell the non-buyers/freebie grabbers) right away i just lie and say I don't have any if tey are nice, spend time with me chatting and trying out some testers and stuff i often will give them sample (if we have them!) but I love spending time with people and talking about products, alot of the time people think you are just the to sell sell sell! but we are passionate about our job! Unfortunately today I am quitting haha but thats due to moving house, i hope to work on a counter one day again :)

  2. I used to be terrified and I still get uncomfortable when an assistant approaches me when all I'm doing is swatching new products, because I'd much rather approach them! I have no problem now going up and asking if they have samples/certain products in stock and you're right, a smile really does work wonders! xx

  3. Really interesting post :) I find counters quite intimidating and have ended up buying all sorts of rubbish and don't think I've ever received a sample. I've also had some very good experiences but think samples would be great especially for foundation as the lights often change the look so much. I think I'll be a bit braver on my next visit!

  4. Thank you for this helpfull post!
    It's nice to be able to see both sides of the coin as you say!
    I don't have problem asking for samples I want to try but certain counter girls are really really scornful and make you wanna go away and never ever use that brand!

  5. This was really really interesting! Im 16 and i always feel like people at counters would kindof look down at me, but now i feel a bit better going up to them! In the furture i really want to work on a counter too, i was wondering if you had any tips in getting a job on one? Thanks!:) xx

  6. I dislike a lot of counter staff because I find them to act as if they are superior and try to push something on you that you know yourself wouldn't look good- foundation too dark etc. Sometimes they are wearing so much make up and its applied so badly I get put off even looking at the makeup in case they try and assault my face haha. However the best are bobbi brown- never pushy, explain what each product is for and let you give your opinion and make choices instead of shoving things at you. When I go there they make you feel so nice and don't pressure you yet I spend v. willingly! Sorry for long comment haha, good post x

  7. Hi girls thanks for your comments im glad you liked this post.

    Hannahh, my advice for getting a job on a counter is to get some sales experience behind you first and then apply to lots of companies that you are interested in. If you get an interview, make sure you know a bit about the brand and its products, you dont need to have beauty experience as such as most companies give good training on the products etc.
    Just be confident and look the part and fingers crossed you get a break :)
    Message me if you want any help xx

  8. I just don't like when *mentioning no names, Benefit* counter girls come over to you and ask multiple times if you're sure you wouldn't like to try something. It gets a little annoying! I love MAC counters though, they're really helpful! xx

  9. Thankyou for the advice! I will definately look into finding counter jobs in the future! :)xx

  10. Hey great post!! Very interesting as well:D

  11. I hate the "Hi, do you have any free stuff I can have? : D"-people. I never worked at a counter (but damn, would I love to! : D), but you always recognize the cheap chicks who walk in to get free samples or even STEAL the products. >_>" They always use the same excuse "But the companies make tons of money.. they can afford being stolen from!" WTFUX? -__-" I hate bitches like that. People who steal are the reason for loss of income, which forces companies to cut employees and raise their prices. >_>"

  12. I may actually go to the Estee Lauder counter and get colour matched for the Double Wear now! lol been putting it off for ages as the girls on the counter just intimidate me a bit. Might actually be brave tomorrow. Cant believe people actually steal samples, thats really quite sad isnt it.

  13. I loved this post I thought it was great :) I do get a bit intimidated by makeup counters, but this helps. I know what you mean about targets and being pushy as well, its a nightmare trying to find the balance to keep on the right side of your managers and customers X

  14. I hate shopping on beauty counters. Most of them are intimidating because the assistants are so immaculate and usually bored looking or chatting amongst themselves. I also don't like the pushy sales tactics, not many actually know what they are on about, they just know they have to sell, this is what puts me off Benefit for example. One of the reasons I love Illamasqua is because they hire actual make up artists and the staff are happy to chat and never pushy.

  15. I've had really bad experiencies at beauty counters - especially Mac! The girls are so rude and are always nattering to each other whilst serving me - I hate that! Having said that - Clinique, Benefit and Bobbi Brown offer great service! x

  16. This was so interesting and helpful!

  17. I love this post!

    I'm really intimidated by women behind the counter. They mostly look down on me because I'm young and therefore I don't believe that they believe that I'll be buying the product after testing it out. So most of the time I take my mum with me!


  18. because im only young i always feel like im being looked down on when im in a department store, and like im not goig to be taken seriously because that is the way i get treated most places, next time im in fenwicks or debenhams i will approach and browse!

  19. Love this post! I worked for Lancome on counter for few years and agree whole-heartedly with everything you've said! I really enjoyed the job for so many reasons but disliked same aspects as you did. So many people used to say to me "Oh NO you work on counter, you're all so scary" and I'd find it so offensive, but at same time we also used to get so many people just asking if we had any offers or could they get something for free, SO annoying when all we've got is regional targets etc being shoved at us! Fab post giving both sides of story, thank you :) xxx

  20. I use to always dart past the counters, because I always felt pressured to try or buy. And I often felt because my skin isn't in tip top shape (blemish free), I always felt (and still kinda do) that I am being judged and looked down on because of the way my skin is. (Just to clarify, my skin isn't spot prone, big zips everywhere, I just have a lot of blemishes, which are proving to be a pain in the royal backside).

  21. Thanks so much girls for your comments its really interesting reading your thoughts on the topic xx

  22. This post was nice and informative! The assistants that I've encountered are usually friendly. =)

  23. Interesting post! I generally have nice sales assistants (bar a couple of snobby rude ones from MAC), but the SAs at an old Inglot counter near me were so weird - they would just ignore you until you practically when and jumped up in down and front of them for help! It wasn't a snobby type of ignorance, it was just like 'oh where did you come from?' after 20 minutes of standing there. Needless to say the counter is now closed :P

    The Benefit counter girls are awfully pushy, they're actually resorting to physically grabbing people as they walk past now :|

  24. *went and jumped up and down. I swear I'm not drunk haha


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx