
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Guest Post Isobella from Cosmetic Surgery Guru !

Today's post is written by Isobella who writes for
I have to say cosmetic surgery is something that i am really interested in. I personally have never been under the knife but it isn't something that I'd rule out if i had the finances to back it up. However i don't think its something to be entered into lightly. Here's what the lovely Isobella has to say:

Which cosmetic surgery could transform you into a yummy mummy?

If you’re a good mum, looking after number one doesn’t mean looking after yourself most of the time. However, every once in a while, even the best parent in the world needs to think about their own wants and needs – and for many, this could mean a little pampering, wining and dining.  For some, this could even include having a little cosmetic surgery.

Want to maintain that radiant yummy mummy look? Here’s five treatments you might consider:

Boob job
There’s no getting around it – pregnancy and breastfeeding change your boobs beyond any recognition. That once perfectly-formed pert pair could have gone any number of ways – quite literally. For this reason, some mums could find that they look to have a boob job. You’ll want to wait until you’re sure you’ve made your final additions to your family before going under the knife and having this treatment, as implants can inhibit breastfeeding – internationally recognised as the number one way to give your child the best start in life.

OK, so it’s not recommended to have liposuction to get rid of your baby weight as soon as you’ve given birth. And it’s normal to carry a little extra weight during breastfeeding – you’re eating for two (or more if you’re tandem feeding) after all. Ultimately, many mums struggle to find time to exercise in the first couple of years of a child’s life – they’re too busy being a good mum. So if you’ve got problem areas, liposuction could be a way to lose a little of that extra weight, while maintaining a healthy diet and fitting in exercise wherever you can.

Anti-cellulite treatment
As the celebrity mags have proved in recent years, even the skinniest minis can get that dreaded orange peel skin. But weight changes during and after pregnancy can certainly be a trigger, so some mums may decide to look into their options for anti-cellulite treatments.

Varicose vein removal
One unfortunate side effect of pregnancy is varicose veins, which can develop be aggravated when the growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic veins. These days, surgeons use the latest ultrasound and laser techniques to rid patients of the dreaded red or purple patches.

It’s the problem that dare not speak its name – the genital changes that affect almost all new mothers. Granted, it’s a pretty intimate form of surgery, but it could be an essential one if you suffered a difficult birth and have had subsequent problems. But it could give you the confidence to get back in the saddle, so to speak – and make a few more additions to the family in the process!

Thankyou so much Isobella for this thought provoking post.

What are your thoughts on the yummy mummy procedures. I have to say the media constantly show us photos of new mums with flat bellies and pert boobs. Did you feel pressured to get back into shape after childbirth. I even know girls who say they don't want children because it will ruin their figures??

I think some women use children as an excuse as to why they are overweight. Yes some people put on a huge amount of weight but sensible eating and exercise will make you lose the weight right?

Gwen Just look at those abs !

The stunning J Lo !
 Is it unrealistic to want to look like we did before children? Yes the celebs have personal trainers and chefs oh and of course airbrushing. I'd love to know your thoughts xx


  1. j lo is looking stunning... just love her ....

  2. Love this post! I think cosmetic surgery is such a taboo but I say embrace it if you want it and feel you need it but only for you and no one else! I have found it very hard to get back to how I used to be before mine and that was 6 years ago but only because after I was diagnosed with an illness so thats the reason why, but I do think the media puts a lot of pressure on us with pictures of svelte yummy mummies but they have the time and money to do that what with nannies etc xx

  3. Thanks girls
    Charli i agree with everything you have said hun xx

  4. I never rule out plastic surgery.. if I have money.. I would go for it.. perhaps just liposuction first..^__^

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! ^_^

  5. Not all cosmetic surgery have to be so extream, there are so many treatments and procedures that are there to enhance your features rather than change them.

    I agree with Charli! If we all have the time and money that celebs did we would all look amazing.

  6. You will all hate me for this, but I look better now, post children! Maybe it is just my interest in exercise & nutrition but I am a 4-6 UK size & didn't really get stretch marks. I carried more weight before I had babies. I liked my junk food before but now I care so much about what my children eat & have less spare cash to waste on it. I enjoy making fresh, nutritious meals & try to set a good example.

    I weighed less 1 week after the births than when I did before hand. I never thought I would be slim again second time round as I had a dangerous amount of amniotic fluid & stretched to a huge size, but I did shrink. It was harder to tone up second time. I had been the victim of domestic violence in my second pregnancy & was on my own 2 weeks after the birth with 2 young children. I had no time to exercise as they kept me so busy as well as all the police & court business. I grabbed food when I could. Once things settled down I got back into exercise. Life is good & I feel good now.

    Children changed me for the better. I guess I was just lucky there.

  7. very interesting post, i actually dont want kids. 1 reason is because i dont want to mess up my body, but the other is i dont think im very maternal.

  8. Nice info
    The two most common forms of Plastic Surgery are Reconstruction (fixing body parts that have been damaged) and Cosmetic (changing size shape or color of body parts without fixing damage). An example of reconstructive plastic surgery is fixing a part of the body that has been burned. An example of cosmetic plastic surgery is a surgery called a "Face-Lift" (pulling the skin of the face tight so that someone looks younger).

  9. All these procedure, it they are done professionally, can transform any type of person into a real beauty, and make her stay that way,


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx