
Saturday 9 April 2011

Sun-believable Tan !

Yaay the sun is shining here at last and its time to whip out those legs that have have been hidden away for what seems like an eternity.
Lately i have been going au natural with no fake tan but felt like i wanted a little colour this weekend so decided it would be an ideal time to try out the Sun-believable products that i was sent to try out a while ago.

I received the Try me kit in medium £35 available from Sun-believable which consists of

100ml Scrub me body scrub 100ml Cream me body moisturiser

 100ml Tan me mousse & Sun-believable Mitt

I believe this is a fairly new tan on the market created by the fabulous Leighton Denny in conjunction with the legendary tan king James Harknett and a host of industry experts.
Claims to be a sun kissed golden tone which can last up to 10 days. The name Sun-believable hosts up images of a natural looking tan which is just what i was hoping for.

The scrub itself is lovely to use. Its very grainy and smells absolutely gorgeous. Containing natural walnut shell & Ecuadorian Ivory palm seed and fragranced with a blend of essential oils of sicilian lemon and lime.
As always prep is important for the best results.

The body moisturiser is designed to use after the scrub on any dry areas such as knees, elbows, ankles. Again this smells beautiful and feels so luxurious on the skin. Containing organic coconut oil and vitamin E.

So i exfoliated in the shower and applied a very small amount of the moisturiser on my knees and ankles before starting my tan.

1 pump of mousse

As you can see from the above photo the guide colour is quite dark. It has a very distinct green tinge to it. But it blends really easily in fact its one of the easiest tans Ive applied. It develops in 2-4 hrs.
Using the mitt i spread the tan on in long strokes making sure that i didn't miss anywhere. The guide is great so you can see where you have been.

Results: I can't say how much i love the results. The tan looks so natural, it makes me look healthy but not in a fake tan way. I don't think you can tell I'm wearing tan but i look a lovely colour if that makes sense.

I even applied it on my face and it turned out just a shade darker than my natural skin tone.
If you want to look darker then obviously you can try the Dark but for me medium is perfect. If you are looking for an ultra natural tan that leaves your skin feeling fabulous for summer then this is the one. Highly recommended.


  1. This fake tan looks amazing! Your tan looks so natural and flawless. I'm a fan of mousses rather than creams, so I'll definitely be leaving my St Moritz on the shelf and trying out Sun-believable in future!

  2. The results are amazing!!!

  3. that's a really good tip - I'm terrified of tans and only use one brand so this has made me look twice!

  4. I thought that was a lime on your hand at first! ha!

    Looks great, will need to look this up :)


  5. Love your casual outfit! Bring on the sun! That looks great on you! :)

  6. This looks brill, may have to give it a try! Always a bit scared of looking like an oompa loompa with fake tans but this looks really nice and natural like you've been on holiday for 2 weeks somewhere lovely.

  7. The squirt on your hand looks very similar to st moritz. I wonder if it lasts longer though. Mine is fading in 2 days recently. Swear it used to last a week!! xxxx

  8. Nice! I like the color. I'm a big Fan of the ROC Self tanning lotion. I might have to give this a whirl!

  9. I also thought it was a big piece of fruit on your hand there for a minute! It looks lovely, very natural x

  10. This looks really natural on you! The pump of it on your hand looks bizarre - but I find the ones with a slight green tinge often come up less orange. x

  11. Thanks everyone. Ha i think the pump of mousse looks like a lime too at first glance.

  12. Wow, that's great. It's such a natural colour. I do really like a fake tan with a guide colour, it's too easy for me too mess up if I can't see where I've been!
    Jane x

  13. The fake tan looks pretty good and natural!

  14. Ooh a fourth option to try :) The colour of the mousse itself looks revolting haha, but the results are just what I'm looking for! jazzy ♥

  15. Actually thought that was a lime on your hand at first lol!

    Results look great! :) I really ought to try fake tan out at some point...may get someone to do it for me as I'm so paranoid of tango-ing myself!


  16. Wow this looks really natural - do you know if they sell the scrub separately?

  17. Yes they do hun i will send you the link on twitter ;) xx

  18. I need to get a fake tan, seriously, I am pastey white and need some colour. Thanks for this review!:)

  19. Hey hon,

    That looks natural and nice.
    The only thing I am struggling with here is the price- £30 for 1 bottle of a product I've never heard of (until today)- I'm just not sure..

  20. Hi Stina, i know what you mean, im the worlds worst for spending money on products that i havent tried before. Now ive tried it i wouldnt hesitate to buy it again though xx

  21. Thanks for this I recently bought Xen-Tan but haven't had a chance to try it yet! This weather is gorgeous! This tan looks really nice on you xx

  22. That looks so natural, I find the ones with a green tinge always look less fake and orangey. £35 isn't bad for the whole kit either!
    Giveaway at

  23. I think I'll try the medium when I've finished my St Tropez great review x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx