
Friday 1 April 2011

One for the Yummy Mummies!

Bit of a random post thrown in here but i thought i'd write it anyway. I'm sure there are lots of creative mums out there who often conjure up artistic master pieces with bits of sticky back plastic and delia smith recipes. ( Not at the same time might i add ) Then there are people like me who like to make things easy so this little Easter pack from Morrisons was a great find at just £1.79.

I found a few extra decorating bits in the cuboard 

Much to Rocco's Delight

 It kept him occupied all of 20 minutes :)

 The Masterpiece !

Actually they were really tasty. Anyway Rocco really enjoyed himself and i thought it was a cute idea. Easter is just around the corner and i thought it would be something nice to do in the holidays xx


  1. Aww he's gorgeous, bless him. :)
    They look so scrummy. x x

  2. Aw, that's such a cute idea - looks like he had a ball!

  3. They look lovely!

    And Rocco looks so cute!


  4. great post.
    My two would love these!!
    Rocco is so cute!
    They look scrummy too :)

  5. He not only looks like he had fun but also looks very proud of his work. :)

  6. These are FAB, and how cute is he!
    I have never been into a Morrisons or even have one near though, shame :(

  7. Aw, adorable! Looks like he had a lot of fun. :D

  8. What a darling blog you have and how cute are the egg creations! I am suddenly hungry! I'm a new follower and I found you from a mutual friend on Twitter (I'm Oceandreams4u). I hope you have an amazing weekend!

    I'm having a flat iron and hair products giveaway (worth $400) including an awesome 70% off code on my blog for the site - no joke, ;) if you have time to stop by. xoxo!

  9. Rocco is adorable and he looks like he's havin' fun!!

  10. Thanks ladies, i got in trouble because i ate the last one ooops. I've had to promise to buy some more next time i go shopping. Nasty mummy :)

  11. Aww Nicoletta Rocco is gorgeous!!
    I love Morrisons for these they have them for every occasion, we got some at Christmas and Valentines which were scrummy plus kept Panga entertained for a while, will deffo be getting these ones :) xx

  12. When is your son going to start designing clothes!!???


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx