
Sunday 3 April 2011

Mum's Memories Cupcakes and Blessings !

Happy Mothers Day!

Mothers day for me is full of mixed feelings. Sadly i lost my mum 2 years ago but i feel so lucky to have had such a beautiful mum who was the most loving, caring mother and friend that anyone could want.

My Beautiful Mum

Last year i felt so sad that i didn't have my mum with me but this year i decided i wasn't going to be sad. After all it's not all about me.
I am blessed to have 2 beautiful boys who drive me crazy at times but are my world and i love them to pieces. I am lucky to have a great husband and a lovely mother in law so me and the kids cooked some Cupcakes which we will deliver to Nana later.


 Nana only got left with 4. We ate the rest ( Ooops )

I also brought her a special mug with mum on in a design that she likes and a pretty bracelet. Every mum needs something pretty on mothers day

I had two lovely cards one from the kids and 1 from Chris saying what a brilliant mum i am. That remains debatable but still it made me smile. He asked me last week what i wanted but told him not to get me anything as I'm going to choose something myself. That way i get what i like lol.

 My Cheeky Boys !

Hope you are all having a fantastic day xxx


  1. Beautiful post honey! Smile through this special day with your lovely boys x x x

  2. What a lovely post Nicoletta. Your Mum was very beautiful and obviously very proud in that picture. The cupcakes are awesome too! Happy Mother's Day x

  3. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY HUN! Sorry to hear about your mum, I know what you feel - same here! Great post love, have a beautiful & spoilt day!!!


  4. Oh that got me abit teary - I think that's a very good way, you have two wonderful looking boys and a wonderful sounded family around you.

    Hope you have a nice, relaxing day.

    Fee xxx

  5. Sorry you lost your Mum Nicoletta....but you're doing the right thing by looking to the future and your beautiful family! :-) Happy Mother's Day xxx

  6. What a beautiful post! Sorry you lost your Mum...she looks happy and proud in that picture! Keep on smiling :) you have two very lovely looking boys!

    Cupcakes look amazing!

    Happy Mother's Day - I hope you're having a lovely day xx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. your mum is always with you no matter what xx

  9. Really beautiful post sweetie, im so sorry about your mom <3 She is always with you in your heart <3

    Xoxo Christine

  10. What a lovely post and I am sure your mother in law counts her blessings regularly that she has such a lovely daughter in law. Your boys are HANDSOME! x

  11. Mothers Day?!?! Here I got all stressed out thinking I missed it! Ours isn't until May, so phew.. I'm safe!

    Losing someone you love is never easy. Take the time to celebrate your mom today and remember all of the good memories you have of her. xoxo, Corrine

  12. oh and PS... I'll be your mother if you send me cupcakes like that! They are to die for!

  13. Aww thanks for all your lovely comments. I had scrambled eggs on toast made for me for breakfast and am planning on having a siesta later on the sofa. MIL loved her cupcakes and presents too xx

  14. Such a lovely post, i am sorry you've lost your mum.

  15. This is a lovely post, so sorry that you don't have your beautiful mum with you. I'm glad you are seeing the positives today and enjoying it with your gorgeous boys, hubbie and mother in law.

  16. What a beautiful picture of your mum :).

    Those cakes look yummy!!

    Sadie xx

  17. You have such gorgeous boys! I can't believe you're a mum of two! Unbelievable!

    Those cupcakes look divine!


  18. Those cupcakes are too cute!!

  19. Your mum was beautiful and I imagine she was as lovely as you x

    The cakes and your boys are cute and I hope you had a nice day x x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx