
Saturday 30 April 2011

Curse of the Mommy Feet !

I'm wondering how many other women have this same problem as me? I know most of my friends still suffer with this curse too so is it nationwide?
It seems like having a baby affects women's feet for the rest of our lives!

Pre Children i wore heels pretty much all the time. Then when pregnant i changed to flats. That was the end of heels for me :(
You can understand it at first, comfort and everything but now my youngest is 3 i have no excuse.

 Don't get me wrong i wouldn't venture a girls night out without a sexy pair of heels ( Vodka seems to numb the pain a little ). The next day however my feet hurt like crazy all day. As for day time Chic It's just disappeared completely.
I watched in envy over winter time when girls wandered around in fur topped ankle boots with heels while i wore my uggs constantly day in day out.

I thought I'd compromise and buy wedges. Surely this is the answer? Everyone says they are comfy but no i just can't get use to wearing anything but uggs, sandals and flats. Will i ever be able to boost my 5ft2 height again without being in pain?

I purchased these wedges when i was in Las Vegas and at first try they felt really comfy but after an hr i was just so uncomfy that i swapped back to my flip flops.

However i am refusing to give in. No pain no gain so they say. I am going to try and ween myself back into heels. Wearing them for an hr a day and building it up until i hopefully get back into the high heeled clan.

After all High heels make legs look longer and walking in them actually really works the legs and bum which is another bonus to wearing them.
What do you think? Will this work or am i destined to be a shorty forever?


  1. Ah I know exactly how you feel, I have always worn heels even at school I would have a heel its something that people would know me by... Say my name and it was the blonde girl with the heels all the time but since having panga I just can't seem to be able to wear heels at all, I do like wedges as I can wear them a bit longer than other heels but the pain after is just not worth it xx

  2. Fab post, I don't have kids, but the older I've gotten the less I can wear heels all day, I donlt wear flats as I'm short and luckily I drive to work and can wear heels as not much walking! I can never wear high heels shopping though! I tend to stick to mid height heels now, wedges are not always comfy, depends on style! x

  3. I've never worn heels that much; being quite tall already I always thought I would look abnormally lanky if I did. The rare occasion that I did, I never had a problem but now, after having kids, it is a total no no.. I also have put it down to having children, but who knows? You could try and get back in to it, if it doesn't work then you would have tried at least x

  4. I am with you on this one! I don't have any kids but long gone are they days when I can wear heels all day to work. Things have changed for me now whereas I'm all over the place with my job but some days, I just can't be doing without my ballet pumps/Uggs in winter. I do envy the smart girls sometimes too. I need to be in your gang too! Ween ourselves back into them! xx

  5. I wore heels all the time when I was younger, but since I had my daughter it's been flats all the way. When I was pregnant my feet went all flat and kind of spread out and none of old shoes would fit anymore. So annoying!

  6. I find wedges comfy but weird as you cant walk the same with the block soles! I have to wear flat or low heels most of the time, but try scholl party feet pads. I love them and make shoes comfy. :)x

  7. I totally agree! I have tons of pairs of heels, but find I need to take them off now after an hour or two. Would love to know how Mrs.Beckham does it!
    Wedges or platforms seem to be easier. Must be my dodgy sense of balance or something

  8. I think a little bit at a time. I wander around my house in them before a big event, usually starting a month in advance. I'm already 5'10, so I really don't need to wear heels, but there is just something so sexy about a fierce pair of shoes. And Most celebrities carry a pair of flats around in their purse and change out of the heels when they can.

  9. I haven't even had a baby and I can't wear heels anymore! I bought Wilkos version of party feet, 24/7 party or something they're called and they help a little!
    I just bought my first ever pair of going out shoes with a relatively small heel - I've caved! x

  10. i haven't had children and im the same haha weirdly i trip up more in wedges but they are comfier deffo going to try these gel pads! i feel so unglamorous in flats!

  11. Those are so pretty! You have amazing taste

  12. i own around 90 pairs of heels all pristinely kept in my clear viva la diva boxes. Pre george these beauts were let out in the sunlight george i only wear them on nights out.

    why!?? i think maybe i know he will try to escape or run off so i need to be on it and ready to pounce : )

  13. I think you just get used to it - the more you wear them. I have always worn heels and I still do, and my smallest is 1 yr old! I wear heels when pushing the pram he-he!! I wear heels to work and I wear heels to drop and pick up son at school. I am so used it it, I can't imagine a life in flats. Just do it, you will get used to it again. x

  14. I can't wear heels often as I have high arches and heels practically murder my feet haha. Most of the women I know who've had a child or children have said their shoe size has gone up - maybe that could be the problem? Or widening of your feet or arches etc etc... xx

  15. I read somewhere about this problem in the last few weeks about women who normally wear heels and complain that flat shoes make their feet hurt. The doctor in the article said it was the heels that were distoring their feet and when they wore flats their feet were trying to adjust themselves.

    I know it's probably not what you want to hear but heels are not good for your feet. My mom used to wear heels at the time for work and she's numerous problems over the years because of them.

    If you do want to wear them occasionally you should probably go to a store and get fitted properly as your shoe size has probably changed.

  16. Lots of mixed views on this one i see.

    Skinscrubs i know you are right , high heels are not very good for the feet really :)

    Stina. I should of known you would be wearing heels most of the time, you always look so glam xx

    Miss Jones, i have a pretty collection just catching dust at the moment too xx

    Emma my feet have got wider so i think thats one of the big problems xx

    Thanks everyone i really enjoyed reading all your comments xx

  17. Oh I could've written this! Pre-baby I wore heels constantly and now, I wear them for 5 minutes and my feet hurt and beg me to put them back in their Uggs/pumps!

  18. totally totally agree - and at 5ft 2 i need the extra height - i wore uggs all winter - got some new boots but only because they rocked a block heel... i need to learn to wear heels againt too but tooo painful :(


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx