
Sunday 6 March 2011

Teeth Whitening the final Results !

Morning everyone. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. This post is the final conclusion to the mint whitening system which i have been using for 2 weeks.

The results have literally flabbergasted me. I can smile with a big goofy open mouthed smile without being conscious of my teeth for the first time in years.

So the results:

 The End Result after 14 days :)

The kit which gave me these results costs £59.99 and is available from White and beyond

You apply the gel to the teeth trays twice a day for 30 minutes ( i sometimes left mine a little longer )
making sure you don't get the gel on your gums.
My teeth are slightly sensitive but its by no means painful i even ate a bowl of ice cream yesterday without any problems so it cant be that bad lol.

I have refrained from drinking coffee and stayed clear of red wine , ketchup etc but i will go back to the odd cup of coffee now Ive finished the treatment.

I still have over 1 full syringe of the whitening gel left so i will be able to do a top up if needed.

I have tried so many teeth whiteners and none have made anywhere near the difference this one has. All my friends have noticed and its seriously put the smile back on my face. 
10/10 for results in my opinion. What do you think? Fantastic or what? xx


  1. Wow that is very noticeable results, very impressive. Looks great. I would love to whiten my teeth but I have veneers on my top 2 front teeth so it would look ridiculous (veneers don't whiten)

  2. Yes that is brilliant, you can really see the results, especially on your lower teeth!

  3. Wow!! this looks amazing! I'm going to have to get myself some come pay day!! xxx

  4. Wow that's so good, your teeth look amazing xx

  5. Wow...the results are impressive!
    I'll check it out. Thanks for the before and after photos..they really help.

  6. omg amazing!!! i need myself this only problem is if u smoke drink tea and coffee and wine u only restain teeth again, so mantianance is key right?

  7. Thanks girls, my lower teeth are quite overcrowded so they looked a lot worse as they were more stained than the top ones. I had a brace on my top teeth and 4 taken out when i was in my teens. I think they should of done the bottom set too but never mind they look so much better now than they did xx

  8. Hi Amina yes you are so right. I was drinking about 6 cups of coffee a day before if i went back to that then they would be stained again in no time im sure.

    I am so pleased with the results though that i dont mind cutting back big time to keep them white xx

  9. Wow! Amazing results, I need need need to get this I hate my teeth! x

  10. Wow that looks amazing, really I should do that but I couldnt stay away from tea long enough... my dentist hates my tea addiction.

  11. Wow, that is some difference. Until now I liked BlanX and Beverly Hills but I've not had results like this and you have to keep using the products. Amazing find, Nicoletta. So tempted!!

  12. Great!! My dentist always advised me to brush teeth once a week with bicarbonate of soda, tastes horrible but keeps the tea/coffee stains at bay. Saying this for under £60 the kit is reasonable and with speedy results!

  13. Your teeth look fantastic. If that had taken months and cost a bomb to have achieved those results I am sure you would have been thrilled, the fact that it was days and relatively affordable is unbelievable, no wonder you are smiling! I am very very tempted but drink gallons of black tea so not sure how long it would last on me - might try the bicarb brushing tip from Nadira 1st!

  14. this product looks amazing!! has made such a great difference! you mut be over the moon =) xx

  15. wow! what a difference! i wonder if it would work on more stained teeth, hmm :) xxx

  16. Woooowww these are amazing! I would utterly love to have super white teeth one day :D

  17. Wow.. looks wonderful! Did you find making the mould difficult/tricky?

  18. That's amazing - especially for the price! congrats on such a great result (bet you haven't stopped grinning since!) :) x

    Catherine x

  19. oh this looks fabulous! u have lovely teeth. Im still on the plus white but i will get this when i run out : ) xxx

  20. Wow! Your teeth look amazing! I would really love to whiten my teeth but i spoke to my dentist about it and he said he refuses to bleach teeth because, just like bleaching your hair, it will weaken them. Is it the same with this product? I'm really tempted to try this but my dentist has made me a bit scared! lol.
    Yours do look gorgeous though. =) xXx

  21. That's fantastic! I've never had much faith in home teeth whitening kits but you've convinced me to try it out! Thank you xxxxx

  22. Your teeth look amazing!!!


  23. Wow amazing results! Love your pearly whites! :)) Finally something that works huh??

  24. Thats amazing, especially for £60! I've had friends pay five times that and it doesn't look as effective as that.

  25. Oh wow!!! Great review, and you look fab! I am addicted to coffee though, and I take it black, so it might be a bit of a sacrifice, but I'm sure it would be worth it for results like that!! x

  26. Wow thanks for all your lovely comments.It was worth showing you my scary before close up of my yellow teeth after all xx

  27. OMG they look awesome.. I love teeth whiteners..

    I love crest white strips

  28. Lovely results! :)

  29. Oh hun this is amazing!! You look gorgeous :) x

  30. wow i would love to get my teeth whitened! your teeth look amazing


  31. Amazing results hun! Thanks for sharing x

  32. Thanks so much ladies you are all brilliant xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx