
Wednesday 2 March 2011

Pancake Day & i'm feeling Lush !

Good Morning ladies! Pancake Day is fast approaching us and what better excuse is there to treat yourself to a few sugary treats?
Now you girls know i have a sweet tooth but alongside my lemon and sugar pancakes i will be keeping the theme with a few non edible treats that give you a sugary kick but without the calories.

Both Lemon and Sugar have been used as natural ingredients in beauty products for centuries.
Lemon is known for its astringent, cleansing, toning and refreshing properties whilst sugar is an amazing exfoliator.

Why not pop on down to LUSH where you can indulge your sugar cravings with the Sweet Lips lip scrub

Priced at just £4.75 
This tasty little number deflakes your lips gently buffing away any dryness leaving a perfect base for soft kissable lips. Blended with a rich and creamy cocoa absolute and vanilla extract for a delicious chocolately flavour. Mmmm

Have you tried the Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter yet?
I got my hands on a tub of this about a week ago and Ive been slather it on ever since. It has the most amazing sweet lemon fragrance that's both uplifting and somehow creamy at the same time. 
This is a multi purpose rich moisturiser which is perfect for not only cuticles but elbows, hands, feet in fact any where that needs a bit of TLC.
It contains a blend of rich oils which feel super nourishing on the skin. 

 Priced at just £5.80 and available from LUSH stores nationwide.

Have you tried either of these products yet? Do you celebrate pancake day ???


  1. I'm quite looking forward to pancake day this year - I usually forget!

    I love the Lush lip scrubs, I've been using the Sherbert Fizz one which came out before christmas and the Mint Julips one which tastes like After Eight mints - yum!


  2. I really want to try Lemony Flutter but I keep forgetting to pick some up, not been to Lush for ages!

    I also love the idea of the lip scrubs but I just can't bring myself to pay a fiver for basically sugar and oil, they do look/sound lovely though.

  3. Didn't realise it was pancake day soon! Yayyy :)


  4. Lemony flutter is on my wishlist and I plan to drop some serious cash at Lush when I get paid at the end of this month!

  5. Thanks girls
    GlossGalore the sherbet fizz sounds lovely, i didnt manage to get that one im afraid x

    Lucy & skin scrubs The lemony flutter is really gorgeous and a little goes such a long way. I keep sniffing the tub lol x

    Chuui i count down to days like pancake day, easter etc. I'm still a big kid at heart x

    Thanks for your comments everyone xx

  6. This is what I need! It sounds pretty yummy too lol

  7. I have sweet lips and its a nice lip scrub and very yummy too!! I picked up a tester of Lemon flutter last week and im addicted to it already, I need to purchase it asap x

  8. I love the little Lush sugar scrubs too! They work fantastically well but even if they didnt I'd probably still buy them cos they smell so scrummy :)

    Havent tried the Cuticle Butter yet but I've heard nothing but good things about it! I generally avoid Lush unless I have lots of spare cash cos I always end up buying LOADS of stuff.

    And yep, I celebrate pancake day so will be stuffing my face with scrummy pancakey goodness all morning ♥

  9. Hey hun, thanks for following! I love your blog too. I am a massive LUSH fan, I have the Bubblegum lip scrub but haven't tried these 2, I like the of lemon flutter! I love pancakes too, lemon and sugar is my fav, or nutella! xx

  10. your blog is so useful and cute!!i'll follow!
    Could you visit mine and follow?I'd be very happy if you do it:)


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx