
Friday 18 March 2011

Lets play Swapsies !

Hello ladies, if you take a little look at the top of my page where the tabs are you might notice the Swapsies page which i have just added.

I am just giving this idea a little trial to see how it goes as i have quite a few bits and bobs that keep accumulating which i thought might be more useful to someone else.
The hope is to swap things that are getting left on the shelf so to speak and in return try out some other products without spending any pennies ( well except postage of course )

If you like me have a few items that are feeling unloved at the moment then feel free to copy this idea and add a swapsie page to your blog too. I'm sure somebody else has probably thought of this idea before but Ive just not come across it.

Oh yes one more thing. Please try and ask for a fair swap in your requests for example I'm not going to swap a Mac lipstick for a Rimmel one lol.

What do you think of this idea? Love to know your thoughts


  1. Thanks for sharing!! Looks cool <3

  2. Interesting idea! I like it ... Hmmm I'm going to go through my stash this weekend!

  3. That's a really good idea :) It's like online shopping without guilt ;P

  4. this is a really good idea will have to have a root around my makeup bags x

  5. Great idea.Now i'm thinking "WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT" haha xx

  6. thanks ladies, if you see anything you like let me know, i dont bite :) xx

  7. Great idea! I love the idea of swaps! Hmm.. Might look through my makeup stash!

    'I'm not going to swap a Mac lipstick for a Rimmel one' That is so funny but true!! haha


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx