
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Colour me up Baby !

Hello lovely ladies, today i have been to the hairdressers and had a colour put on my hair. As you might already know i coloured it a few weeks ago at home and while i did like it, i wanted it a bit brighter.
Luckily for me the hairdresser i have been going to recently is a friend of mine and so i felt in safe hands as I'm always a bit scared of having my hair done and then hating it lol.

So here's my new colour with a sweeping fringe added for good measure

I'm so pleased with the colour its just what i wanted.

While I'm on the subject of colour, i want to talk about my clothes or lack of them should i say. I was looking in my wardrobe for something to wear the other day and it suddenly hit me how 90 odd percent of my clothes are black???
How did this happen? I can't say that i really noticed it before but now I'm aware of how boring my clothes have become i am determined to do something about it.
So I'm only going to buy coloured items from now on until i force myself out of this rut.
This week I've brought 2 tops to start me off.

Orange boob tube from Next

Green silk vest top from New Look

Yes black is slimming but i am not depressed and I'm not in mourning so I'm giving myself a kick up the jacksee and injecting some colour back into my life.
Do you shy away from colour or do you love the brights?


  1. I'm in love with your new hair colour!!You look gorgeous and fresh!!It suits you so much!!!


  2. Gorgeous hair color, it looks great on you! :-)

  3. Wow, your hair is gorgeous! Really suits you! :)

  4. What a change, I love your new hair! Your friend did an excellent job, after all red hair dye is hard to get it right ;)

  5. the color suits you beautifully! :)

  6. I love the hair colour hun x

  7. love it! im too lazy to die my hair... i did it once but i hate having to touch up so often ... yours looks so good though so im tempted to try it again :-)

  8. WOWZAAAA you look FANTASTIC that colour really suits you.Love it :)
    And i am a size 16 and wear whatever colour I LIKE Haha.

  9. The hair colour is delish and is going to look incredible with either of the tops! x

  10. your new hair color is gorgeous, you look so pretty :)

  11. Your hair color looks perfect on you, so pretty! :) Honestly I am not such a black clothing lover, I mean there are a few essential black pieces every woman should own but I don't buy everything in black like I know some people do. I love color, no matter what the season is! :)

  12. Your hair looks lovely. :)


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Oooh love the hair! It's high maintenance but definitely worth it x

  15. Twit-woo! Gorgeous hair! It looks lovely...the colour really suits you! :)

    My wardrobe seems to be full of mostly black clothes...with the occasional white or grey top! The Boy has got all Gok Wan on me and wants to inject some colour into my wardrobe...which believe me I do want that as well however I'm on spending ban clothes wise until I drop a dress size or two! :P


  16. Love the hair chick!! it looks gorgeous on u!! I couldnt get a hold of the John frieda one so i have a bottle of XXL midnight red ready to whack on tonight eeek scared :/ hope i look as good as you! Yeah my clothes are mainly black with the odd bit of brightness here and there booooring! roll on summer! xxx

  17. It looks great! That color looks gorgeous on you and I love how shiny your hair looks!

  18. This is what colour I want my hair!! I home dye it but the top part seems to be red (like yours) and then my actual hair. hair is like black ? my mum says its red in the sun, but surely it should be red all of the time? Very jealous of the new do!! I love the next top, it'll match illamasqua flare and gamma :D

  19. Your hair looks so nice! The colour really suits you xx

  20. Your hair looks really fab! The colour definitely suits. Love the idea of challenging yourself to buy more coloured clothes, I always end up stuck in a rut with black and grey for my work clothes. x

  21. Gorgeous colour! I dyed my hair that colour a while ago and loved it :)

    I have the same issue with black clothes, but have been trying hard to fix that too!

  22. Wow thanks so much for all your positive comments as usual you are all so lovely xx

  23. What a gorguz colour hun! Absolutely love it! Really suits you :) Aww really miss my red highlights, but am in need of a visit to the hairdressers so who knows? ;)

    Love Aysh xoxo

  24. you look absolutely great and gorgeous! :)
    it's really a sexy-girly color :)

  25. your hair looks so lovely Nicoletta! xx

  26. Omg i really love that shade on you! Sooooo pretty!!!

  27. I LOVE that hair color on you.. I've been trying to achieve a similar color with at home hair dye but fail every time

  28. Thanks girls, i know there is no way i could of acheived this colour with a home hair colour. My hairdresser had to do a quick bleach bath to try and lift a little bit of colour out my hair first as it was so dark before mixing a few different reds together to get this colour.
    It seems to make my skin tone look warmer as well. I made sure i had no fake tan on before i went for my colour as i wanted to see how it looked against my natural colouring xx

  29. loveeee it <3 looks gorgeous <3

  30. That looks flippin AMAZING! I LOVE IT!!!!

  31. Love your hair, it really suits you hun x

  32. Omg!!!!! I freaking LOVE that colour on you! xx

  33. it looks AMAZING! it's rich and deep without being too "in your face"
    LOVE IT!

  34. Nice colour

  35. Hi there, I had to check out the new hair colour. Looks fabulous!! Are you finding you need a new wardrobe???
    I recently coloured my friends hair a similar colour, was amazing to see her complexion look far warmer. x

  36. Thanks so much everyone. Nadira absolutely hun, i had a few pink items that i loved but they just look hideous now ha. Its a good excuse to go shopping though ;) xx

  37. Really love that red shade on you girl, really suits you!!!!



Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx