
Thursday 31 March 2011

Bloggers Meet !

Hi everyone, i wanted to do a quick post about last Saturday when i toodled off to Sheffield to meet some lovely bloggers for a few hrs.
HUGE thank you to Lauren from Laurens Dressing Room who arranged the whole thing. I'm always complaining that i can never get to any of the events as they are so far away so this was an ideal opportunity to meet some of the faces behind the blogs.

Lauren was so thoughtful that she even hosted a giveaway and i was one of the winners Yaaay.

Note some of these photos are pinched from lauren as after sharing a couple of pitchers of cocktails and a double vodka & Redbull my camera skills left a bit to be desired :)

The Gorgeous Lauren, Haidee and Helen

I was sat next to Claire who was so lovely. Everyone was so easy to get on with and although i was only there for a few hrs i really enjoyed myself.

 Emily who had me entertained throughout lunch with lots of funny stories. I was quite jealous that i couldn't continue on with them all and head out that evening to a club but sadly i had to get back.

Lets hope there is another meet up soon xx


  1. Looks like you all had a fab time xx

  2. Woww that's awesome!! You guys are looking great :D

  3. Ha-ha, I was actually thinking today that I would love to meet you...if you're ever in town (our town :)) - give us a buzz! Looks like you had the greatest time:)! Good for you!

  4. Looks like you had so much fun - everyone looks so happy and cheery in the photos I've seen!

  5. aww looks like you had a right laugh! i was going to come to this meet up and couldn't make gutted,would have loved to met everyone and got merry on cocktails n vodka NOM! xxx

  6. Thats a whole lotta good looking women in one room! So happy you got to get out and meet all of those lovely ladies! If you're ever in Canada... look me up!

  7. I'm so jealous! What fun! Looks like you all had a wonderful time!

  8. that looks so fun! x

  9. So lovely to meet you! had so much fun :) xo.

  10. Yaaay aww a mention! When you're next in Sheffield or have an afternoon spare let me know and we can go for coffee! ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx