
Monday 28 February 2011

Teeth Whitening Mint Trays !

I am really excited about this post. I know a few of you know how much i hate the colour of my teeth. I have tried quite a few ways to try and lighten them as they are or should i say were very very yellow.
I was lucky enough to review the mint whitening trays from white and beyond and i am thrilled with the results so far.

So before i go any further lets cut to the chase. Like they say a picture tells a thousand words.

I am on day 7 now and the whitening has slowed down a bit but my teeth are still getting brighter and i will update in a weeks time when i have completed the kit.

The kit costs £59.99 from the white and beyond website

 The Kit contains:
  • 2 x Mouldable mouth guards
  • 4 x 3cc Mint flavoured 12% HP whitening gel dispensers (48 applications)
  • Full instruction manual
  • 1 x Mint container for mouth moulds
  • 1 x Applicator tips
  • 1 x Spare mouth guards

Now i am not a dentist and i cannot advise you on these types of products but what i can tell you is: It worked for me :)
I have tried many other products and to be honest i was starting to give up on a whiter smile.

Positives so far :
  1. It Works and Fast in my case.
  2. Easy to use
  3. Reasonable price
  4. Convenient
Negatives :
  1. Teeth are slightly sensitive ( although a lot less so than with some others Ive tried )
  2. Can't drink coffee, red wine etc )
The negatives are the same in all teeth whitening procedures that i am aware of . So not really a negative but just so you are aware if you didn't already know.

Like i say i am thrilled with the results so far. My friends have all noticed the change and i feel so much more confident already.
Would you consider this treatment and what do you think of the results so far?


  1. Thats a big difference in four days, I'd definitely try this!

  2. wowee that looks amazing, I'm so buying and trying thanks xx

  3. Gosh, that looks brilliant, why dont i ever get to test out actually things that i need!! :) definitely want to try these so much cheaper than the ones you can get from the dentist!!

  4. Very impressive results in such a short period of time xxx

  5. I'm so buying these, I hate my teeth with a passion. When I first had my braces off in September I was pretty happy with my teeth, but now I'm hating them again. They are stained and discoloured way too much, probably because I have a less that healthy diet. Bit pricey for me, so may start saving now! x

  6. Thanks for all the replies. I will do a full review next week which will hopefully answer any other questions.

    Sophie, i think my teeth were so yellow as i did drink a lot of coffee and my diet is a bit rubbish a lot of the time too. I know its not the cheapest kit out there but i have tried a few of the cheaper kits and they didnt really do much at all so i think its worth paying a little bit more for this one.

    Thanks for all your comments. I cringe at showing you all that 1st photo but i just wanted to show you the difference it made xx

  7. I wanted to do something about my teeth before I get married in September. I'm not fussed about having whiter than white teeth but I don't want to scare small children either when I smile.

    Just a question are you not able to drink coffee just during the treatment or do you have to wait several weeks after the treatment too?

  8. wow I want something like that!:D white teeth are the best!:)

  9. Hi Skin scrubs: To be honest im not totally sure. But to be honest i was drinking far too much coffee anyway so the break is doing me good. I would imagine that if i started drinking the odd cup after a few weeks it might be ok but i wouldnt want to undo all the good work.
    I know you can use the trays every now and then to top up the whitening effect though x

  10. That's amazing! Altho Idon't know if i could quite tea/cola?? xx

  11. Ahh, I really wanna get a whiter smile, but I don't want sensitive teeth -__-"

  12. hmm i have still been drinking the odd diet coke ( well i had about 8 vodkas n diet coke on sat ooops ) although i dont plan on doing that again in a hurry lol xx

  13. Wow, this is great, the after shots looks great :-) xx

  14. Wow! what a great result. Thanks for showing us this.

    Lauren from Lauren Loves... xxx

  15. Your teeth look great! I'm interested in trying something like this but can't afford it at the minute, booo. I've never tried any whitening before but this one looks like it could be a definite option x

  16. What a great result - I so want to try this

  17. Wow, that is an amazing turn out.

    I think I will look into this. =)

  18. Very interesting! I started drinking tea so I have been fearing that it my stain my teeth. Def can see the difference by day 4.

  19. Wow awesome results so far! Looks like the Mint Trays are really working out well for you, can't wait to see the finale! xxx

  20. wow this is amazing, i am so happy that these works for you :)
    I really want to give these a try too :)

    Xoxo Christine


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx