
Friday 18 February 2011


Evening lovelies, i thought i would do a little review of two products by Palmers. 1 which i Love and 1 which i Hate.

LOVEPalmers Cocoa Butter

I've used this moisturiser for years on and off. I love everything about it. The creamy scent, it never fails to leave my skin soft and smooth. I used it throughout both my pregnancies to help prevent stretch marks and it did a pretty good job.
The scent lingers on my skin for hours and i always feel really pampered with this little beauty.
The price is great at just £3.77 from boots and it lives up to its high reputation. Thumbs up.

HATE Palmers Olive Butter SPF15

I'm sorry, i know Hate is a strong word word but this for me just did not work at all. The consistency was so thick that i just couldn't get it to rub into my skin. It sat on the surface no matter how much i tried to let it sink in leaving a white pasty look. It felt sticky, smelt horrid and i think i will leave it there. You get the picture.
Sorry palmers but this is a big thumbs down from me.

Do you have any other palmers products that you can recommend???


  1. I love Palmers' Cocoa Butter Body Oil. Now, I'm not usually a fan of body oils but this one's great - sinks in fast and moisturises very well. Excellent for my sensitive skin too.


  2. i love those.. my bf told me to try them so i did.. they helped a lot...

  3. God I hate creams that just sit on the skin or take ages to absorb. What does the Olive one smell like too?

  4. I think I'm the only person on the planet who will say this, but I HATE cocoa butter. I can't bear the smell which makes me feel sick!

    Shea butter it :) xx

  5. Thanks for the reccomendation miss a i might give that one a go.
    Jo, its hard to describe the smell but i didnt like it at all. It wasn't very strong but just a bit musty if you know what i mean ha.
    glossgalore, its each to there own when it comes to smells. I have to say the first time i used cocoa butter i didnt like it but it just seemed to grow on me and now i love it. xx

  6. Omg I love and hate (ok maybe just dislike lol) the same ones! The cocoa butter one is so far the best one for moisturizing my super dry skin. The olive one however.. Did nothing! Aboslutely nothing!

  7. Theres one I use on holiday, I think its called Palmers Cocoa Butter Body Gloss? Its moisturising and has the lovely scent but makes your skin all shimmery aswell. Id only use it with a tan on holiday though!

  8. Ha had to laugh about these because they are both a hate for me - the scents of both turn my stomach, the first being a bit too cloying and the second a bit too sharp. I find it is usually the scent of a product which is the deal breaker for me. Jan x

  9. i used to LOVE palmers but my very first boyfriend used to use loads of it allll the time now it reminds me of him (bad memory) haha the 'glow' lotion cant remember what its called is lovely with fine shimmer, looks hot on top of a tan, like a cheapo illamasqua body electric fluid xxx

  10. I have a bottle of the olive butter lotion, so I just gave it another go after my bath. I don't mind the scent, but it doesn't sink in very well with me either, I feel a bit sticky now! I used to use the cocoa butter on long gone summer holidays. I remember it used to completely melt in the heat so I'd keep a tub in the fridge. Those were the days!

  11. Now that's strange that two lotions from the brands are that much difference, but I understand, the smell of olive oil ames me sick just thinking about it, don't know why! I'm such a big olive eater though...

    I can't seem to find Palmer's products in Quebec except the lotion for stretch marks. I keep hearing lots of great things about the original lotion.

  12. I have to agree with you about the love cream: cocoa butter(first one). i've used it and it makes my skin feel really good.
    ♥ Follow: ♥

  13. I neither love nor hate those 2 creams, but will say that my hubby religiously every morning of his life, sits down and applies palmer cocoa butter all over and he has the smoothest softest skin ever! SO it must work, but for me, I can think of so many more exciting creams than these he-he!!

  14. I love Palmers Cocoa butter,the oil and a fade cream plus the first one u love. They r great products. Im with u on that green bottle one hun to me its just horrible cant stand it at all

  15. Their Dark chocolate & cherry lip butter is to DIE for!

  16. LOVE Palmers Cocoa Butter!
    I haven't tried much from the Palmers line, but I have tried the lipbalm which was nice!

  17. Wow thanks for all those comments. It seems these two products have mixed reviews from you ladies.
    I have tried the one with the gloss in it and really like it if i am going out and wanting that lovely sheen.

    I've not tried the lip balms so i will give them a try next.

    Cheeky Beauty. I agree there are lots more exciting creams out there hehe but every now and then a classic is what i revert too. :)



Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx