
Tuesday 18 January 2011

30 Days starts today !

Good morning gorgeous girlies. I am back from a fab weekend break at centerparcs. The kids all had a fab time and us adults spent time eating, drinking and relaxing. Lots of laughing, playing Buzz the music quiz and a bit of a pampering session thrown in too.

Although i have had a great time these past few months. I have seriously been over indulging in the food and drink. I have put off weighing myself because i know i have put weight on. I have been trying to cut down for weeks but to be honest the motivation has just not been there.
Today is D Day. I got on the scales this morning and got straight back off. I have put on nearly a stone Arrrrgh.

So i plan on starting a strict eating plan for 30 days and following the 30 Day Shred DVD by Jillian Michaels. The DVD is just 20 mins a day which is perfect for me. I did my 1st session this morning and although it was hard work i feel really motivated and ready to bust the fat.
I plan on weighing myself once a week and drinking a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and a healthy dinner.
Wish me luck and i will be happy to update if anyone is interested. 30 days from now i will fit in those jeans. xx


  1. Well done Honey! Good luck!

    This DVD KILLS me every time. I actually am terrible at getting through the first stage. However, I'm SO unfit it's scary!

    Love Britt xxx

  2. Ohhh my darling WELL done, I will get this and DO it toooo, it sounds fab x

  3. oohh, i tried to do the first stage last week and could not finish it. i wanted to die, haha! but yeah, i am 6 kilos fatter and need to lose weight till april when i go back home to see my parents. i don't want them to get scared of me, haha! :P

    i think i'll give it a shot today though. I MUST complete this! :P

    Best of luck and let us know how you're doing :P

  4. Thanks girls. I've just found they sell it on amazon on offer for just £5 which is a bargain
    just in case anyone wants to have a go. The reviews are great for it too xx

  5. i've tried this dvd a few times and never complete the 30 days ... it is pretty tough for being 20 minutes but you do feel good afterword ... i need some motivation myself ... good luck!!

  6. Good luck! I love the 30 day shred! It was amazing and made me lose pounds quickly! I also love Banish FAT Boost Metabolim by Jillian Michaels - you can actually feel the pounds dropping off! xxx

  7. **pats your back*** good for u girl!! I am gonna start soon too... =)... as soon as my kids go back to school from their winter break, I am on it... btw, where did u buy that DVD?? it's something I might try... right now I'm planning on doing Zumba & P90X here & there... goodluck to us! =)

  8. I can't wait to hear how you are doing with the DVD as the days go on! I have been thinking of purchasing it myself! Good luck!

  9. My body just begins to hurt just looking at Jillian's body.

    BTW, left you an award:

  10. YAY! I can't wait to hear about when you do level 2. The planks will kick your booty! That's the worst part of the WHOLE DVD!

    I look forward to your updates!

  11. Thanks ladies. I will keep you all updated xx
    Check amazon if you want to buy it. They had it on offer for just £5 yesterday. Bargain xx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx