
Sunday 19 December 2010

Cupcakes and guess work!

Evening everyone, today's post comes a little later than usual because i have been having a bit of a lazy day.
I have been waiting patiently for some scales to arrive in the post so i could have a go at making Cupcakes but they still haven't arrived.
Soooo i decided to just rough guess it, throw it all in and keep my fingers crossed and luckily for me the cakes came out OK ha.
I just want to say thank you to the lovely Milly at pearls and poodles for the inspiration to give baking a try again. Her cupcakes are amazing and looking at her pictures on her blog makes me want to get my mixing spoon out instantly.

So here's what we made: Cupcake Xmas trees:

 I was waiting for silver balls and dark green colouring but my order hasn't arrived so edible glitter and sparkles was put to good use. I don't think it looks bad for a first attempt . Besides they wont last very long in our house anyway.

 The kids loved it and we had a really good time eating a few of our creations afterwards as well.

Of course i had to let the kids do some on there own too and here's what they came up with:

Anyway, i have got lots of pretty girly pink toppings for my next attempt so i think i will make some for new year and hopefully they will look a bit better than these ones.
Hope you are all having a great evening xxx


  1. ohh you have just made me really want to bake lots of yummy cupcakes for christmas :)

  2. Well done lovely - these look fab. Looks like your children clearly loved them :) great effort, thank you for the mention xx

  3. aww thats so cute hehe i wanna make cupcakes now!

  4. I love this! LOoks so good ^_^

  5. ohh so pretty! I wana have a cupcake now :)

  6. Yummy! I think I know what I'm doing this afternoon!! Great job love!

  7. these cupcakes look amazing! you can make some for me any day :P xx

  8. MmmmmMmm... these look scrummylicious :) If there's anything better than Christmas decorations it has to be the edible kind! Love the little trees

    Oh and I've given you a Beauty Blogger Award so feel free to check it out and pass it on ♥

  9. Aww these are really cute, me and my little girl are going to be making loads of cupcakes and cookies this week in time for Christmas and because she wants to give our family treats on Boxing day when we see them... I really like your blog too :) xxx

  10. looks very yummy lol u did a great job

  11. these are really cute! i keep getting cupcake urges but all the chocolate that we have floating around at christmas makes me reconsider the amount of sweet stuff! perhaps afterwards :)

  12. looks yummy......

    im new here hope u will visit my blog and follow too....

  13. They look so yummy! :)


  14. Those cupcakes look deelish and your kiddies are gorgeous!

  15. so so cute!!!! xxx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx