
Thursday 4 November 2010

Xen Tan Face Tanner Luxe.

Good morning my beautiful bloggers, how are we all? I don't know about you lot but for me it gets to this time of year and i always feel very pasty and really need a helping hand for that much needed glow that i like to have all year round. Luckily i have found the perfect facial tanner and i have hunted for quite a while to find it.
Introducing Xen Tan Face Tanner Luxe.

 I don't know about you? but i just want a tanner that applies easily, is very natural looking, smells nice and also one that does not make my spot prone skin breakout.

I have been testing this out for the past few weeks and there is just 1 word LOVE.

Here i applied the xen tan last night and this morning applied another layer. This is about 1 hr after application and no makeup at all except mascara. ( no mascaraless scary photos lol )

As you can see the colour is so natural, there is no orange tones at all. Bearing in mind my face is usually about 4 shades lighter than my body i am thrilled with the results.
 For me i have found that i need to apply it for 2 days in a row then miss 2 days in rotation. This is what works for me anyway.
The cream itself is silky and smooth and absorbs easily leaving a lovely glow to the skin and the smell is just delicious. It reminds me of creme brule as its a creamy vanilla scent.

As for my spot prone skin? Well my skin has never looked better which i have to say is down to my Liz Earle cleanse & polish but the tanner seems to have enhanced my skin rather than cause any problems. It does not sit in the lines or make my pores look bigger as most tans do.

I could rave and rave about this product till the cows come home. It's my new found tanning product of the year. I can see what everyone is talking about.
Available from Xen Tan RRP £18.95
Have you tried this yet???


  1. I would love to try it, but I think for that price I might leave it for a bit. ekk nearly £20 for a facial tanner!

    There's always the chance (for me) I will break out, I always break out when applying normal fake tan on my face, and I hate having spots.

    But it looks lovely and natural!

  2. I know exactly what you mean i usually break out too. It's a real pain isnt it. I know this a bit more expensive than a lot of others but it's so worth it. If i haden't tried it i would be saying the same as you x

  3. I am always on the hunt for new self-tanners. Thanks for the review! I am currently using Sun Labs and luckily it doesn't break me out.

    I have tagged you for a blog award:


  4. I'm not a big fan of tanning products because I've always found it soo difficult to get a nice natural look. This actually sounds really good and I love vanilla so even the smell appeals to me but it's not exactly inexpensive! I guess in some cases you really do get what you pay for, eh? :)

  5. By the way - do you out a different tanner on the rest of your body then? Or from Xen tan as well?

  6. I dont have any tan on my body at the moment but i have the xen tan ready to try out. I will be trying it at the weekend. I sometimes use different tans on face and body though x

  7. I've just been told that xen tan have an offer on at the moment via facebook
    If you buy the deep bronze luxe & exfoliator then you get this face tanner free. x

  8. thanks jewelrybead that is great i will check it out x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx