
Sunday 21 November 2010

How to grow your hair?

Well the title is a bit misleading but recently i have had so many complements lately  about how long my hair is that i thought i would do a little post of things that seem to work for me when trying to grow my hair.
For years i could only get my hair to a certain length. I would do what the hairdressers suggested, having it cut regularly etc etc but nothing seemed to work but now my hair is the perfect length.

Now I'm not saying that my hair is in perfect condition because unfortunately it's not but it is shiny  and its not full of split ends and it's long yaaay.
This is not necessarily the way to do it, but it works for me, so here's what i do:

  1. Changed my regular shampoo & condition for either SLS free products the majority of the time.
  2. Washed my hair every 3 days rather than 2 (used dry shampoo inhbetween if needed) Less shampooing means less blow drying , styling damage)
  3. Only use straighteners, curling irons about twice a few times a week. ( messy updos in between )
  4. When tying hair up use smooth bobbles ( those with metal on them ones can snag and damage your hair )
  5. Don't cut hair as regularly, sorry but if i get my hair cut every 6/8 weeks it isn't getting any longer. But watch for split ends. Nobody knows your hair like you so you know how long you can go before your hair needs a cut. For me it was every 10/12 weeks.
  6. Don't be afraid of semi-permanent colour. The hair colours these days can be packed with good stuff to deeply condition hair and make it lovely and shiny. Just choose a shade similar to your own unless you are confident in colouring your hair.
  7. Use good quality body building products and if you need to backcomb do it really gently . ( i love sexy hair products, but there are loads of good ones)
  8. Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week or a hot oil.
  9. Never brush your hair when it's wet & use a protection spray when blow drying/ using heat.
  10. If you can get away with it leave your hair to dry naturally ( I know that's a big fat IF)
 Anyway i know a lot of you will know all this anyway but i just thought i would write it down for anyone that might be interested. Do you have any tips of your own or any product recommendations for lush long hair?


  1. Excellent tips! You're totally correct about not cutting your hair too often - whats the point!

    I recently purchased 'Lee Strafford Hair Growth treatment'.. apparently it's amazing! x

  2. Ohhh great advise, will definately be trying this! xx

  3. Great post! I'm trying to grow my hair, but since I'm part African my hair has all the 'bad' afro traits (super dry, frizzy etc) it's extremely hard to get enough moisture into it. I've tried the V05 hot oils, but my hair actually felt drier after using them! I have switched to SLS free shampoo and conditioner which is working very well, though :)

  4. great advice, I'll try this thank you!


  5. Great advice. I've been growing my hair since April (when it was a bob). It's finally starting to look long for me, but nowhere near as long as yours. I'm getting it cut next weekend, as I haven't had it trimmed since the end of July and it desperately needs it! xx

  6. I love this post. I agree with you on the hair cutting thing. I'm really trying to grow my hair now and I know it is not necessarily thought best but the only way I can even start to get anywhere is if I skip a couple of cuts. Spooky timing, I was looking at some pics of my hair today and it is deffo growing (at last) albeit very slowly. I think I'm using a little less heat since I started using morrocan oil which might be helping!

  7. Great post, what is 'SLS' ?


  8. lovely tips girl! I do most of those things and my hair has grown longer too now, almost like yours :)

  9. great tips.. when i moved from texas to colorado, the dry climate seemed to destroy the shine and health of my hair. i decided to start using these shampoo bars from - this sounds like and advertisemnet but it's not, i really freaking loved using these bars - anyway, i used them for about a month and did NOT use any other shampoo. i also only used a tad of conditioner on my ends, as the shampoo bars are mega moisturizing. i stopped using the bars and switched to an organic shampoo free of all bad things. now my hair is shinier and healthier than it EVER HAS BEEN. i highly recommend using the shampoo bars to build up your hair health.

  10. Excellent tips! I have been trying so long to make my hair grow, at the moment it isnt doing too much, but I have been air drying my hair for months now and I definitely see an improvement! Using all natural shampoos and conditioners are a big plus too, but I just have to wash my hair every day, its a real habit more than anything but I need to force myself to stop I think!!

    Great post!!


  11. This is one of the best posts I've read in a very long time! So helpful.. Thank you! :)
    I also agree with the not cutting hair every 6 weeks thing! It just rinses your pocket and that's about it!

    Sriya xx

  12. Great tips!! It is always good to trim your ends. I have been taking a womens ultra mega vitamin too and it makes my hair and nails grow so fast. You look gorgeous in pink too!!! Always so beautiful! ;) XX

  13. Great tips doll! I'm really interested in the shampoo bars that prettybottles mentioned! I'm off to check those out right now!

  14. I agree on the not cutting it every 6-8 weeks, mine does not get damaged that quickly. I have gone for (sorry) 6 months and the hair dresser has said my hair is in such good condition. That made me re-think how often I cut it.

    I also change shampoo and conditioner all the time..

    Your hair is so lovely xx

  15. wow so many comments in such a short time. I will be checking out some of the products you have mentioned.
    SLS is short for Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (sorry i should of said) It is in the majority of shampoos, body washes etc. If you google it you will be horrified to know that studies have linked it to drying out t5he skin, hair, itchy scalp , even hairloss xx

  16. great advice! this was very interesting and helpful :)

  17. great post! I am too desperatley trying to grow my hair long! I like you slather a treatment in it once a week but I find using sulphate free shampoos equals greasy roots so I usually end up washing it every day :( xx

  18. Thanks for the tips! They are always good reminders! I never blow dry my hair or use straight irons. Mostly because I'm lazy :) But I always wash my hair daily because it is so oily! I have never used a dry shampoo, but I'll have to check into it!

  19. Thanks for the tips. Taking vitamins works great too.

  20. thx for sharing hun ,,
    i can get away with leaving my hair to air dry now that i cut it short and many layers =D ,, dancing smiley face hehe

  21. Those are some nice tips!! I always dry my hair naturally..never used a blow/hair dryer for it :)

    I have done rebonding 2 years back. had such a severe hairfall that I'm scared to try anything else including colouring my hair :(


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx