
Friday 22 October 2010

Wish List & Cut Backs !

Afternoon my Fabulous Followers! Well Friday is upon us and time for the weekend fun to begin. I am super excited as it's my husbands 40th party tomorrow and i can't wait.
Anyway today's blog post is about my little Wish List and cutting back. I'm sure that most of us have to cut back on our spending at some point and for me the time has come. After all i don't really need everything that was on my huge wish list before and so it's time to prioritise what i really really want. So here go's:

  • YSL false lash effect
  • Nars foundation Sheer Glow
  • Sleek powder pink pout polish
  • Sleek rose gold blusher
  • Shu Uemuera eyelash curlers

I think this is quite realistic and my plan is to stick to this list as much as possible. I know there will be the odd slip and any limited products might slip in too.
My moto for the next few months is buy less wear more. Gok wan would be proud. I have so many beautiful products that i am not using nearly enough.

On a plus note my xen tan arrived today for me to review and as this has been on wish list for quite a while i am quite giddy at the prospect of trying it out.

Hope you all have a great weekend and if i am quiet over the next few days it's because I'm still drunk or nursing a hangover.Mmmwaaaah.



  1. Congrats for you husband's b'day! Very nice wish list. :-) I have this YSL mascara, and i can say it's the best mascara i've ever used! :-)
    Enjoy the party! xxx

  2. Happy 40th to your Hubby! Have a fantastic time! Love your wishlist! I just so happened to have bought a Shu Uemuera Eyelash curler for my give-away! Good luck!

  3. Have a great party this weekend! I'm trying to cut back, but it's not really working! xx

  4. The Sleek products are such a bargain you're morally obliged to treat yourself to them! :) Hope you enjoy the party - Happy Birthday to the hubby!

  5. Hope you and hubby have a fantastic party! Your wishlist seems very manageable - I'm having to drastically reassess mine as it added up to about a grand....


  6. have a lovely party ! and im lusting after the sleek rose gold blush too.. its gorgeous! <33

  7. I'm seriously considering a 12 month ban on beauty purchases, other than the occasional LE product. I had to move everything out of my bathroom earlier this week because it's being renovated and I was stunned by how much STUFF was in this teeny tiny room.

    I have a ton of wishlists - all from various online stores, Etsy stores, perfume lists, eyeshadow lists... maybe I need to just trash the lot of them, lol.

  8. Thanks for all your comments, i will be sure to enjoy myself.

    Alluring bath & beauty. I have entered so fingers crossed.

    missy ellie uk i know what you mean its so easy to get carried away. My wish list was huge too before i cut it down.

    Dee It's surprising how much stuff you accumilate over time isn't it. I'm the same, i have products in all different drawers, in the bathroom, under the bed lol. I would dread to think if i added it all up what there would be :)


    Allmade up & Paperheart I love the sleek products and the rose gold is too good to miss.

  9. I think your streamlined wishlist looks great. There's a good mix of prices. I think the NARS Sheer Glow really is a must try and the Sleek items are a nice budget way to have some new bits to try.

    I'm on a spending ban at the moment and it's going well. I have lots of beautiful things to use already so I'm not feeling bored yet!
    Jane x

  10. I am "cutting back" too - I've restocked everything I need and I've resolved not to buy anything else until I've used it's equivalent in my stash. good luck!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx